Sunday 17 April 2011

Week 3 - Zero Impact

This week's challenge is all about being Green. Little to no impact on the world. Well, we all know that zero is a bit crazy...for me at least, so let's see how far I can take it this week. Here are some of my (recommended) list of NO-NO's for the week:

Take out containers - Bring your own tupperware if you eat out.
Coffee cups
- Carry your own travel mug
Plastic Water Bottles
- Use your own glass water bottle and save money by refilling.
Plastic Grocery Bags
- Keep a stash of canvas bags with you so you don't forget!
Paper napkins
- Try cloth napkins instead (how sophisticated!)
Paper towel
- Try hand towels or reusable cloths to wipe up your spills
Toilet Paper
- Okay, we can't all go ZERO on this one, but why not try to use just what you need, if um, you know what we mean (tee hee!)
Printing Paper
- Depending on the type of work you do, attempt to cut out all paper use for the week. Email instead of print paper, walk over to a colleagues desk to share information instead of writing a note, call your bank and cable company to ask for electronic bills, make a "No Junk Mail" note on your mailbox at home.
Turn Off - your computer when it's not in use, lights (don't we all look better in candlelight anyway?) heat, electronics, and everything or anything else that requires energy.

Now, I'm pretty sure I won't be monitoring how much toilet paper I use. That seems like something I probably won't compromise on!  But on a positive note...I'm pretty sure my children never use enough so we should balance each other out in the end.

I'm off the coffee still (damn you bad habits!!), and I already use a reusable water bottle. I do not own cloth napkins (sophisticated in not a word used much in this house). BUT, my children will again balance that out as they use their shirts for EVERYTHING.

Let's see what the week brings...It's not easy being Green!

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