Friday 20 July 2012

Anxiety Girl

Come see my FB page: Pigeon Pose Emotions

Between the heat, the humidity, too much coffee, and an overwhelming stress ball in my stomach...I can't sleep. We've been running our lives based on keeping our house clean for viewings and open houses.  We've been out looking at so many houses they are starting to blur together.

With a sigh of relief, its definitely been easier since the kids left for Grandma's house.  I have no laundry piles, no sticky counters, and no pee on my toilet seats!  You'd really think I'd be all calm and chilled out.  Except I lay there at night running thru all the chaos that will begin once we sell and move. I have to remember to do this...or do all the regular life stuff, like remembering my car inspection is due by next month (Someone please remind me in August!).  Oh, and both kids got sick at camp so I've been dealing with that long-distance.

I've had the same dream three times in the last two weeks about forgetting to register Jer for school.  He shows up to a random school and they tell him he's not at the right one, and then he spends the rest of the day travelling from school to school, like an abandoned puppy, trying to find one that will accept him.  What does that even mean?? Premonition of things to come?

BAAHHH!!!  I'm NEVER moving again once this is over!!

Oh, and for those of you who are local to my area....there's a certain type of underwater vessel arriving in the waters within the week that runs off a certain type of power that, oh I don't know, rhymes with say....Nu-klee-ear...I can't even say it, as I am TERRIFIED of there's that dumb rule about not being able to talk about what happens within the government when you are a government employee.  It's like fight club...except we protect corrupt, overpaid, underworked cabinet members....ah shit...I think I just broke rule #1.

Basically, there's a map that marks off the areas of destruction if previously mentioned vessel were to have a boo-boo and go kaboom.  I am located within the "Holy are dead batman" zone.  Which, in a weird way, sort of calms me down a bit.  I'd rather be dead than three-eyed and fighting off zombies for the rest of the my life.

So you see how maybe I'm not sleeping well??  Selling a house, ruining a child's education, apparently not caring about the other child's education as she's nowhere to be found in my dreams, fearing for my life, all the while trying to figure out where Cory Monteith and Adam Brody are hiding (OMG>>>>>>> they are totally here btw, filming a movie!!! SQUEEEAL!), AND trying to plan a master-stalk on Cyndi Lauper when she comes to town next week.  Life is just so damn stressful!

Friday 13 July 2012

Save Your Money, Buy Two-Ply

Breaking Nova Scotia news!!!  We will now have transgendered bathroom signs in single-use bathrooms.  Why you ask?  Who f'ing knows?!?

One, I'm not gay, lesbian, transgendered, bisexual, or anything in between, so perhaps I don't even the right to comment, but seriously??  Why on earth would we need to mark a PRIVATE bathroom?  Would anyone know if there was a transgender in there anyway? Is there someone outside the door doing pat downs to see if there are penises (peni?) under dresses or boobs under business suits? Two, how offensive is a half-man-half-woman figure to describe a transgendered person?  It insinuates a "freak show", like those performers who dress up half their body as Sonny and the other half as Cher.  That is NOT what a transgendered person is....

And, if you want to get technical (and prejudice)....why not gay and lesbian sign just to be on the safe side.  Is the point of labelling the bathroom to let transgenders know it's OK to pee in this particular bathroom?

To me, this seems like a complete waste of money.  I'm sure we're not talking millions of tax payers dollars...but this is just one more thing "we" waste our cash on.  Wouldn't the money be better spent on educating the public about transgendered people.  Maybe invest the money in programs for transgendered youth?

I have no shame in running in to the men's washroom (single-use) if I reallllly need to go. Face it, the ladies room is always full, and usually nasty.  The sign means nothing to me!  BAHH AH HHA HA!! Such a bad-ass rule breaker!  So since there are no bathroom police...the sign is not necessary.  I shall pee where ever I feel like it! 

Whether or not there's a sign is the least of the "public bathroom" issues.  Dirty seats, pee on the floor, no soap, missing paper towel...and the very worst, stupid one-ply toilet paper. Why does one-ply toilet paper even exist??  We all know we use double the amount if it's one-ply.  If not, you might as well be wiping with your hand.

Here's an idea...stop wasting your time AND money putting up new signs, and invest in some good TWO-PLY!!!

I can guarantee there was enough money spent just on research for the signs that they could have probably went with triple-ply for a year!


CBC News: Transgender Bathroom Signs

Yoga In Common

(Uhhh...forgot to hit PUBLISH POST! Duh...this is a few weeks old)

I would love, love, love for my kids to develop a love for yoga.  I've tried a few times to get them to a practice with me at home, and usually by mid-point I've lost one, or both, of them.  I don't want to force the issue and have them hate it so I just go with the flow and if they join me, great!

This morning was "Yoga In Common", a fundraising yoga class on the Dartmouth Commons.  I just happened to mention going in front of Grace and she got all excited and asked if she could come. Sure!  Mommy/Daughter yoga class!!

Well, this morning was friggin' freezing, and cloudy. But she still wanted to go so we packed up our mats and headed off to the great outdoors.

We weren't even to the field yet when we realized we were really underdressed!! Guess being used to a million degree room has really spoiled me.

Uhhhh........BRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!  Poor Grace had goose bumps before we got out of the car! And I wasn't sure if I could even get out, even contemplated sending Grace to the field by herself while I sat with the heater on!

Thank goodness its a habit to take a towel to class or else Grace might have ended up as an icecube by the end of class. It wasn't long though before we started to warm up, sun salutations have a way of doing that to you. It was quite entertaining to see Grace participate, especially when she only knocked over the guy beside her when she fell out of upside-down-down-dog-flip-over-whatever-it's-called.  "flip your dog"?  I dunno, cause I can't...ok, WON'T try it....I'm terrified I'm going to hurt myself, and I know there would be nothing graceful about it so I just stay in regular down dog. But not my child, nope, she just flipped and went for it with a smile on her face!  Seriously, thank god my insecurities haven't worn on her yet (YET!)  Pleeeeease let her grow up to be as normal as she can be with me as her mother!!

After a good, fun time in the park we celebrated with a treat from "Two If By Sea"...seriously, best cookies EVER!!!!!!  And nothing makes a little girl's day more than a cookie the size of your face!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Canada Day Baby...maybe?

Yep, I did it again!

On July 2nd, at 8:05am, I had the honor of being present for a baby being born.  Doula "job" #2 has occurred! Thanks to a wonderful woman who took a chance on a new doula-in-training (me!), I am well on my way to becoming certified. I took a chance in contacting her (Reaching Out), she took a leap of faith in me, and the rest is history!

I got the call on Saturday morning that Mommy's water had broke. As with doula "job" #1, I had a full day of plans ahead of me that I was gladly prepared to cancel if duty called!  We had a full day of house hunting, and an evening of dinner and a movie to celebrate our anniversary.  Mommy was on her way to the hospital to get checked out but fully intended on returning home to labour in the comfort of her own home.  I was so excited and ready to rush home to get my bag, but that little voice inside my head was telling me to chill out, and just wait patiently.  There was no need to wait at home and pace the floors. I decided to proceed with the house hunting, I would be no further than 30 minutes away anyway, so we headed out for our first viewing.  Mommy would keep me updated with what the hospital said and I would carry on from there.   I kept my phone glued to me, had the ringer on high, and compulsively checked every minute.

With a confirmation that the water did indeed break, Mommy headed back to her house until the contractions picked up.  She was cheerful and happy (sign#1 that she wasn't ready for the hospital yet!) so we decided to head out to the movies as planned.  We kept in touch for the evening, with texts back and forth as to what was happening....steady contractions 6-10 mins apart, lots of walking, mixed with rest to prep for the long night of having a baby.  Well so we thought!  Poor Mommy kept up that pace of contractions right through to Sunday morning and still no progress or baby!  With my (limited) experience with labour, I was certain we would have had a baby Saturday night or at the very latest Sunday morning. Hey, if she could hold off until Sunday we'd have a Canada Day Baby!

I slept with my phone right by my head, I just knew I would be getting that middle-of-the-night call to rush to the hospital. Nope. Nadda. Zilch.  I even questioned that maybe Mommy had changed her mind about having a doula and just didn't call me to tell me! (Go away self-doubt...GO AWAY!)

Sunday morning Mommy went back to the hospital for an update.  Nothing much had changed.  Contractions were still steady, no sign of going away, but still not getting any closer together.  Back home she went to walk some more!  Not once did her attitude change.  Happy to be home, happy to be in labour, happy to take things at their own pace and just let the baby do his job. I've been around enough pregnant ladies to see that this takes great inner strength to not give in and just beg the doctors for help.  A lot of Mommies would have gladly stayed at the hospital and gladly been induced by this point. We were still only communicating via text message and already I was proud of her determination to do this her way.  Despite the hospital wanting to admit her and begin an induction, Mommy made her own choices based on solid facts, didn't rush to accommodate any doctor's long weekend schedule, she just listened to her body.

By 4pm on Sunday, the contractions finally started to pick up. Mommy got admitted to the hospital and was 5cm!  Progress!!  Daddy gave me the thumbs up to head over to the hospital.  At this point, Mommy had been in labour for well over 24 hours. I really wasn't sure what I would be arriving to.  We'd only met twice before and my biggest fear was just not knowing how to read her.  I fully expected devil horns (24+ hours tends to do that to a mom!).  I walked into the room and was greeted by a smiling, happy-go-lucky Mom.  In pain, yes....but still handling it quite well.  It's funny how quickly you can judge the situation based on the temperament of a labouring mom.  It's when the chit chat stops that you know labour is starting to get stronger.

By 5pm, she was in the bath and, like a true trooper, was still dealing well with the pain.  Like a lot of women, Mom wanted to left alone to labour.  (Easiest part of my "job"!).  For over two hours, Mommy held strong, and breathed through all the contractions in the dark bathroom while Daddy and I randomly checked on her.  She was focused and strong and determined.

Once we started hearing the occasional "fuck", I really thought we were there.  She must be getting close to 10 cms!!  The pleasant Mommy had left the room ;-) . She was definitely starting to make louder noises, wasn't talking, was having a harder time breathing through the contractions....a classic woman in labour! The nurse checked and sure senses were way off, and Mommy was only 6 cms.  What?!  I'm not even sure that's fair...and it's definitely not motivating for any mother!  There really should be laws against long labours.

Exhausted, worn out, and frustrated, Mommy made the hard choice to request an epidural...and at that point, I'm sure not a woman on this earth would blame her!   This is where, as a woman, you get that feeling of failure. Trust me, it's not a failure...and trust me, it won't be the last time you feel these feelings anyway.  It's a natural part of being a parent, you'll never feel like you did enough, or did it right.   In the end, you do as much as you can and go from there. They call it a birth plan for a reason...its just that...a plan, not a set in stone rule.

I knew from our meetings that she was definitely up on her knowledge of the birthing process. She knew a lot (maybe too much!) about the side effects of an epidural, she was well prepared.  It was refreshing to see her drill the nurse and doctor with a list of questions instead of just doing whatever they said.  If she was going to do an epidural, she was definitely going to do it her way!  She even convinced the anaesthesiologist to only administer 80% of the dose (I didn't even know that was possible!)  There is nothing better than an educated woman looking out for herself and her baby!

By 10pm, Mommy was hooked up with the epidural, 7-8 cms, and (finally!) resting after 36+ hours of being awake.  One of the downsides to an epidural...constant monitoring.  So needless to say, Mommy didn't exactly sleep.  For the next few hours, we all nodded on and off.  We watched as the clock rolled past midnight, and the thought of a Canada Day baby was quickly washed away.

By 12:30am, Monday, there was no change for a few hours, so out came the good ol' pitocin. (Much respect to all the nurses out there, but saying an epidural doesn't slow labour is a load of crap).

For the next few hours, they upped the pitocin as Mommy did her best to endure it, trying not to up the epidural if she could help it (thus avoiding the vicious pitocin-epidural-pitocin cycle). 

At 4:30am, Mommy was fully dilated, but the baby was still up pretty high, so the decision was made for everyone to get some rest for another hour or so. (The one perk to an epidural! Sleeping thru the pain!)

By 5:40am the pushing began, with a slight sidetrack to get Daddy some food to calm the shakes! Rule #1 for Daddies...take care of yourself too!!!

Over the next two and half hours, I witnessed one of the most dedicated, determined mothers ever!  Even during pushing, she was still asking questions about how she could enhance her pushing skills.  I was roaring laughing (on the inside), as by this point most moms would be screaming for an emergency c-section, begging for more drugs, and punching everyone in site!! 

At 8:05 am, on Monday, July 2nd, Baby J entered the world to an ecstatic Mommy and Daddy!  Mommy survived over 48 hours of proof that moms CAN do it under any circumstances!

I am so honoured to have been a part of it. It was a long night but so very worth it! Thanks to V & D for allowing me to help in whatever way I could. I look forward to officially meeting Baby J, and here's to finding Doula "Job" #3!!

My Facebook page: Pigeon Pose Emotions