Saturday 2 April 2011

Allergic to Exercise

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Hello, my name is Wendy, and I'm addicted to hot yoga.  It's been 5hrs since I last used.

For anyone who knows me, Health is not a word often used by me!
A little background for you...I'm a couch potato, am allergic to exercise (REALLY, I AM!!), and I love food more than the stripper up the street loves crack. I tend to think that people who exercise for fun should be punched in the face.

Like I said, I'm allergic to exercise.  A few years ago I thought I'd start trying to lose some baby weight (so my "baby" was 5 at the still counts as baby weight). I started with a crazy DVD called Yoga-Booty-Ballet. Next day...diarreah.  A few months later I signed up for a few free weeks at a gym.  Next day...flu AND diarreah. Fast forward a few more months, I get my hands on some Richard Simmons thing I know I'm getting x-rays then physio for my "slanted" kneecaps.  So screw it, I was determined to remain a couch potato!  I was true to my word for a few more months and foolishly thought I would start walking.  Within a few weeks of random walks, I landed in the hospital with kidney stones. comes the good stuff...because of the X-ray taken for the stones they found out that my heart was enlarged.  Next came the trip to my family doctor who also confirmed that I had an irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, thyroid troubles, the onset of heart failure and to top it all off...a friggin hernia. WHAT?!?!? SERIOUSLY?? Ok, so I was done with exercise for sure now!  Needless to say, after plenty of followups, tests, and visits to the cardiologist I was cleared of any problems and it was labeled as a misdiagnosis.  But clearly, ten of the worst months of my life.  

Turns out though that the thought of potentially dying can make a person change a little. I found myself thinking that may I should give the exercise thing another go. After my run of back luck could it really get any worse?? Fingers crossed!

Enter in Hot Yoga...

I worked with a girl who lived through a horrific skydiving accident.  Part of her healing process was a type of hot yoga called Moksha Yoga.  I also noticed a FB friend who's statuses seemed to be overrun with yoga updates.  Well, that seems interesting, I thought.  Something about it being OK to be sweaty was a little appealing. Nothing like being at the gym next to the perky, annoying blond who was running on the treadmill and barely dewy. 
So I emailed my FB friend, asked what it was all about...and the rest is history!!

It turns out that I am not allergic to exercise afterall. I am allergic to exercise that I don't like to do!!

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