Saturday 13 September 2014

Those Eyes, That Smile, That Laugh

If you're enough fortunate in life, you meet people who make your soul happy with their mere presence. Throughout the years of knowing Estelle, she has pushed me further in my soul searching journey than she will ever truly know. Y'all know I love me some Estelle time.

It began with her guiding me through the ups and downs of the physical and emotional aspects of yoga as my yoga teacher. She's brought me to tears, full on ugly cries a few times, and has really help me find some inner peace. While I don't practice yoga as often anymore (and yes I know, I know...I should), when I do, it's general because of something she said or did to make me want to do it. Whether it was directly or indirectly...she's always a part of my practice.

Estelle has always been a supporter of the true me. She knew how much my writing means to me, I don't think I've ever had a conversation with her that didn't end in her telling me to blog more! She knows how much interest I have in pursuing my doula dream and has enough faith in me to run yoga/labour workshops together with me.

You can't help but love her.

She spreads the joy, and you can especially see that in her children. Whether it's in pictures or in real life, Estelle's children ooze joy. Much like their mom, their eyes are so wise and full of happiness. I've only had a handful of experiences with her children...but let me tell you, each and every one is a memory I will carry with me for life. Watching her youngest, Tommy, fight so hard for each day was always so inspiring. Watching him grown from a tiny micro-preemie to a young little toddler brought a smile to my face every time I learned of a new milestone he'd accomplished.

Little Tommy left the world this week after two year of life, and I am devastated to know that my friend Estelle would have to suffer such a loss.  It is an unfair world we live in. But I also know that if Estelle was to teach a lesson about this loss, it would be that each day with your family and loved ones should never be taken for granted. We should love each other to the fullest and never, ever lose the appreciation for life. There's always something great to explore or learn each and every day. As the song goes, 'We're here for a good time, not a long time'.

This little guy, who had eyes that could melt your soul, a smile that was contagious and a laugh that would make a grown man giggle like a school girl, will never be forgotten.

You can't help but feel the joy Tommy brought to this world. May the happy spirit and love for life Tommy exuded put some perspective into your life TODAY.
