Monday 18 April 2011

W3D1 -- A big shit-show of No-No's...

Totally random question --- Why do I constantly crave carbs? How do I stop myself from wanting to eat a whole loaf of bread? What am I missing?  And PLEASE don't say willpower!! BHA!!  We all know I'm missing that!

Ok, on to day 1 of week 3.  I already use a reusable water bottle. HOWEVER...while filling it up at the fountain I noticed mold.  Lovely black mold in my straw. Bye-Bye water bottle.

I brought my lunch in a reusable container. Although, due to poor planning I didn't think through what to put my sandwich in so it ended up in a baggie. I have no containers that fit a sandwich. I've tried the 'sandwich' containers before for the kids and they are always forgetting them at school. So whoever (whomever?!) raids the lost-and-found will be Green!

My day consisted of purging old crap from the last lady who worked at my job. Therefore there was a lot of paper being tossed. Recycle bin though so points for that!  I'm also trying to clean out filing cabinets to make room for new year so I'm thinking in order to reduce my impact this week I will just surf Facebook instead until next week.  This is a sacrifice I am totally willing to make.

I got home early, and made supper.  My mission this week is to HOPEFULLY go the week without buying ANYTHING!! I am going to clean out the hoards of food in my house. I know I'm not the only one with 5 half used (or half full!) BBQ sauces. Or five boxes of cereal on the go.  I just realized tonight I have about 30 pounds of broccoli to eat due to my impulsive buys at Costco. So this week I'm not eating anything that I don't already have in my house.

I felt I did relatively good today, I mean it's not like I spent all day buying plastic just to throw it away.  I used containers, I recycled my papers, I didn't get take out, or coffee.  I am GREAT!  I am doing wonderful!  Ohhh...shit, I left the oven on after supper. OOPS! 
So maybe I just balanced out today?!  My recycling and tupperware cancels out my oven being on at 350ºF for three extra hours??

I gave myself a sticker today for effort.  If I can make it through tomorrow without leaving a tap running then I'll give myself another!

"If a tree falls in the woods, and there's no one there to hear it, how will the Environmentalists react?"

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