Wednesday 6 April 2011

Forgive me Moksha, for I have sinned...

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W1D3 -- Off to a good start, more Soy Crunch for breakfast. I had a pear, banana and orange between breakfast and lunch.

Lunch...well, due to poor planning last night and sleeping in this morning, I did not pack a lunch. 
Now, this may be TMI (too much info!)...but it's part of my excuse so I feel the need  to share.  ~~~ Boys, close your eyes....

I started my period.

Sooooo, lunch time I take off in the car.  McDonald's in calling my name.  Wendyyyyy...Weeennnnddyyyyy.....WEEEENNNNNDDYYYYYY!

What little willpower I have takes over.  NO, screw you McDonalds...I will not eat you no matter how much you tempt me.

Off to the Superstore I go, my plan is a salad and maybe a fruit cup.  WRONG!  The voices in my head are taking over.  Weennndyyyy....go for the grease!! You know you wanna!! 

OMG, I can't stand it anymore...I find myself at the counter where the chicken fingers and taters are. Oh man...chicken fingers...a juicy chicken finger with some sweet & sour sauce.  NO, NO, NO...I will not do it. It's only friggin day three.

But I just can't walk I compromise with my PMS'ing self and just order taters.  Plus, I grab an apple (btw, apple + taters = cancelled out calories...don't argue with me!)

I make it through the rest of the afternoon on a few spoon fulls of almond butter (Thank you Estelle for my new addiction!)

I'd promised the kids we would go see HOP prior to knowing I'd be giving up sugar for the week.  Who's friggin idea was it to give up sugar?? Oh, yeah...mine.

Anyway, off we go to the movies and I'm super pissed that I have to drink water. Who goes to the movies and drinks water??? I was giving my self the A-OK to eat popcorn.  No extra butter, and a smaller size than I normally get. That's a pretty good compromise I think.  But no, that sucks.  We get up to the counter and all of sudden I hear myself saying "KIT KAT BAR" ...Noooo Wendy....NOOOO SUGAR!!!  But my period is telling me I really, really want the bar. I know it's cheating, but who's gonna argue with an emotionally unstable girl on her period? Not me!  I've been really good for 2.5 days so the devil on my shoulder lets me finish ordering the bar.  Then..."DIET COKE"....WENDY!!! WTH!?!?  You already gave yourself the bar.  Could you not just stick with water???
Apparently my self control is about as strong as a my arms when I try to do Chaturanga.

I did the walk of shame to our seats, with my bag of popcorn, bar, pop, and fries...uh, forget I said fries.  No fries!

I felt so guilty I ended up letting the kids eat the bar, and Grace ate half of my popcorn.  I left more than half the pop in the garbage at the end of the movie.

So there ya go Moksha....I hope you feel good! Because of you I had to share and I'm an only child so that's not easy for me!!    

Tomorrow I jump back on the wagon...with a dose of Midol to save the day.

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome!!! Try Almond butter on toast, cracker, rice cakes, banana's, apples... you name it! You are doing SO well! Stop beating yourself up: NOW! Think GREY!! not black or white. Half the pop and no kitkat is GREY! : )
