Thursday 29 November 2012

Guiding Light

Parenting…NOT an easy job.
Even the basics of keeping them alive and not bleeding can sometimes be a chore. As I type, my daughter still has a broken arm so I don't even score an "A" in that department. Plus there's feeding them…every…single…day…is there ever enough food? 

Then comes the responsibility guiding them thru life. 

Perhaps you shouldn't hang out with so-and-so…she's a ho-bag.
Drugs…never ok. 
Drinking…not til you are 27. 
Sex…STDs are everywhere, keep the pecker in the pants til you are married. Let Mommy show you a picture of vaginal warts...
Don't hit people…unless they hit you first.
Don't lie…Santa is watching you
Don't steal…Santa is still watching you.
Get good grades and go to college or get used to saying "Want fries with that?"
Brush your teeth or they will fall out.
No it is NOT ok to fart at the kitchen table.
The list is friggin' endless.

Children are born blind to the way the world works.  We guide them thru life and just hope they don't end up as ax-murderers.

I often go back and forth between "allowing" them to form their own opinions versus telling them "THIS" is right or "THIS" is wrong. My son has been coming home from school lately with a vast array of topics to discuss. *thank you health class*

The latest was him wondering what my views on abortion are. Am I pro life or pro choice? At what point do I consider the fetus to be a "baby"?  Now…I have definite opinions. But do I share those or do I let him form his own opinions based on what he reads/sees/hears?!  Do I necessarily want him to have my same views?  I don't know.  Who's to say mine are right or wrong?!  Who's to say any opinion is right or wrong?

I try to give him facts/data and then create an open and honest conversation.  Same goes for politics and religion…these are HUGE topics that are lifelong discussions, and not ones that I just want to say "The right answer is…"

Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands." - Anne Frank

Saturday 3 November 2012

Starts with "P" and ends in "ORN".

I often wondered what it must be like to live in a world with no technology. I think of my grandparents, they lived without a tv, they lived without a toaster and they even survived without a cell phone. I would die without my DVR and couldn't imagine life without a remote control. Well, actually, there was a very brief point in my life when I have a turn-dial 13" TV. GASP!!

I enjoy the modern conveniences of today. So imagine my horror when my microwave died this week. Like dead, dead, dead, died, never coming back to life, gone forever. I panicked and my first reaction was to rush to Walmart to buy a new one. However, as I'm in my thirties now, I'm trying to be more fiscally responsible, I chose instead to chill out for the night so I didn't make a rash decision. By the next evening I realized that I hadn't even thought of getting a new microwave. Somehow I managed to go full day without needing it! My son made a random comment about trying to see how many days we could go without a microwave. I figured it was a pretty brilliant idea so let's go for it! Well we are on day nine and so far we have survived! With the exception of not being able to easily heating up my Tim Hortons coffee it's amazing how little you actually need a microwave.

I've almost forgotten about it, that is until tonight...when my stomach started begging for popcorn. Damn broken microwave. I would sell my DVR right now for a jiffy pop. Wait...I dunno if I want popcorn THAT badly. But still...sucky,crappy dead microwave is all I can think of. And I really, really, REALLY want popcorn.

All buttery and salty and delicious. I even contemplated melting some butter and pouring it over plain chips. Probably just my almost-time-of-the-month hormones talking but it sort of sounds like it might taste good?!

Like a good little daughter should, Grace must have sensed my rage building as she graciously volunteered to make KD. Hmmm...that works I suppose. I'm not going to argue.

I think I'm over this microwave challenge. Plus hubby pointed out that I'm likely using way more energy to use the stove for everything versus zapping it in the microwave instead.

It's unrealistic to live without a microwave. Frankly, it's unrealistic for me not to eat popcorn. Though, I give myself points since I somehow went nine days without even thinking about it!

BTW, for all you dirty pervs who only read this because of the title...shame on you!