Sunday 3 April 2011

Prepping for the Live Your Moksha Week 1 Challenge

The yoga class I belong to, Moksha Yoga, is doing a 7-week Live Your Moksha Challenge. LYM will consist of the seven pillars of Moksha.  This blog will serve as my online diary as I make my way through the challenge.

Week 1: Live Healthy - "Green" at least one meal per day aka Go Vegetarian!
Supersize Challenge - Cut out caffeine, and SUGAR (NNNOOOO!!!!).
The supersize challenge is more for vegans who are already living healthy, but I'm throwing an extra challenge in there for the hell of it!  It was also supposed to be alcohol but that's a no-brainer for me as I drink maybe once or twice a year....but when I do, baby, watch out I let loose!! HA!

So here goes....

I've shopped healthier this week. I did what they say and steered clear of those dreaded middle aisles at the grocery store. Lots of fruit and veggies. No chips in my house, no cookies, and I even bought coconut milk to try to substitute a few times this week. Lots of beans yeah, if you see me hiding at the back of the room you'll know why!

In all reality, sugar is not that big of deal for me. If I would have been told no carbs... lets just say I'd probably punch someone in the throat by the end of the week.   Carbs are my life, my light at the end of the tunnel, my soulmate, my best friend, my shoulder to lean on. Give me a loaf a bread and we'll be friends for life! Give me some crackers and cheese..and well I'd do about anything for it!  (ANYTHING!!)

I made some vegan soup today, VEGAN! This will last me a few days for lunches. I ate that same soup last week too and never thought about the fact that there was no meat or animal products in it but suddenly this week it's "vegan" for the simpled fact that I'll get a sticker at yoga class!!  Who doesn't love a good sticker?!

I've also preplanned some meals. Stir fry Monday...OK, that's really as far as I got but I'm pretty sure I can wing it for the rest of the week. I get the feeling it may be "normal" meals but without the meat for a few nights. 
"Look kids!! It's porkchops, rice and veggies...just without the porkchop!" 

I'd also like to take this time to apologize to kids and wish the luck this week! For those who don't know my two little piggies, Jeremy is 12 and eats like a 30yr old truck driver, and Grace is 8 and eats likes a 30yr old truck driver on steroids.  The both love meat, and I'm pretty my son will have a fit as "dinner isn't dinner without meat". But they also both love veggies and trying different things plus they both love animals so this may be a good life lesson for them.

Let the adventure begin for all of us!! 

BTW, I am not trying a vegetarian diet because I love animals. I'm doing it because I hate plants.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just made a large stirfry san chicken and a bunch of rice. Great lunch for tomorrow :) I'm thinking another spinach lasagna might be on the menu this week, and some more latkes! Grocery shopping was more stressful today than usual...trying to steer clear of the middle aisles was sooo hard! haha!

    *I didn't evolve to the top of the food chain to become a vegetarian* hahaha, I can relate to this quote ;)
