Wednesday 13 April 2011

W2D3 - Clean enough to be healthy

Ever walk in to your house and want to immediately turn around and run for your life??

It turns out not everything to do with yoga is a good thing.  It's time consuming!!
Which means my house is a friggin disaster most of the time! DISASTER!

I decided, a few months ago, that in pursuit of my internal happiness I would have to sacrifice something in my life. Turns out that meant laundry, sweeping, mopping, and just general housekeeping.  I feel like that might be a pretty sweet compromise.
I used to spend at least a solid hour each night, after the kids went to bed, cleaning up. Everything had to be back in order before the next day.  I would be up so late, dragging my ass to bed and then dragging it back out of bed in the morning.  I was tired all the time, never got a chance to read at bed, and most of the time was just in a miserable mood knowing that I would be stuck cleaning up all night.

During a particularly stressful evening, I thought to myself "F#CK IT", I'm not cleaning up anymore! I'm sick of being the maid, I'm sick of being told "I have no clean socks", I'm sick of it, sick of it, sick of it!!!  A HUGE fight with my 12yr old and a temper tantrum or two later (by me of course!)...and I finally saw the light. An AHA moment as Oprah would say.  My house does not need to be perfect. It doesn't need to be anything more than a roof over our heads if that's what I choose.  I don't care anymore if all the supper dishes are cleaned and put away. Will a stack of dishes in the sink kill anyone?!? Likely NOT! Hell, a dinner table full of dishes won't hurt anyone either!  I'm pretty sure socks on the floor have never caused world wars.  And a few (or more than a few) crumbs have never caused incurable diseases. 

My home is clean enough that the 5 second rule still applies. Ten seconds, probably not.  My home is clean enough that I'm ok with random drop-bys (just call first!). My home is clean enough that we can usually find clean clothes, they may just be coming out of a laundry basket instead of a drawer. My home is clean enough for Child Protection Services to not be called!!

My home is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy...

1 comment:

  1. Love the post. We don't have to be perfect, not in class, not at home. I have always thought that a perfect house was a sign of a sick mind. Just come over for coffee some day, (OOPS I mean herbal tea) and you will see that even though I have all the time in the world, I am not spending it all cleaning the house. LIFE IS TOO SHORT WE NEED TO CONCENTRATE ON SMELLING ROSES, NOT LOOKING FOR DIRTY SOCKS.
