Tuesday 27 March 2012

Why So Blue?

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The weather in the Maritimes is always unpredictable.  It's even more unpredictable if you don't actually pay attention to the weather forecast.  I am a true-blue flip flops girl. I wear them until my feet turn blue in the winter, I've pushed it til December before. It's pure withdrawal symptoms thru January and February...but by March I just can't stand it anymore....the feet must come out!!

So this morning I wake up, all excited to put on my new pair of 1980's blue pants, new black top and my new pair of flip flops.  Of course, I never checked the weather so when I went to leave the house I immediately froze and did a complete 180 back to the house.  It was freezing!! 

So I grab a sweater, and ditch the flip flops for my Uggs and dash out the door.  It's not til I'm about to run in to Tim's that I realized I have blue pants, and now a blue sweater on. Lovely...they don't even match.  So I reach into the back seat to grab my jacket (that was left in the car from the night before because it was NICE yesterday)....and holy crap.....it's my BLUE jacket.  What is wrong with me?!  I went from all cute and new....to blue, blue, blue. 

I sulked all day, felt like a smurf or maybe the newest member of Blue Man Group.  Such a waste of new pants...

My friends picked on me, there were emails and FB posts about it. It was a definite loser day.

If you remember, I also had a day of being Elmo >>>>>>>>

I feel like I'm turning into a cartoon character....what next? Lisa Simpson? Dora The Explorer??  I know I don't have enough luck to be Jessica Rabbit...

Next time you're feeling blue just let a smile begin,
Happy things will come to you...


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Many of you know that I am in the process of becoming a Certified Labour Doula.  I've experienced the birth of my own two children, the birth of two friend's babies, and well...my own birth.  It counts!!

Well, this weekend, I got to experience another birth...the first birth that officially counts towards my certification!!

Conveniently enough, it was the brother and sister-in-law of one of my besties, so I didn't even have to seek out a Mama, she was practically handed to me on a silver platter.

One of my biggest fears was how the heck do I find pregnant moms?  Ok, so that's not that hard...but seriously..."Hi, my name is Wendy, and I'd like to be a part of your birthing process" doesn't exactly make pregos come running to me! LOL

It was a prefect "first".  I know them, which eased some of the nerves, but don't really know them so it was like a true "Doula" experience as most of the time it's an interview, and maybe a few meetings, and then BAM!  Baby time. To add to the nerves, this wasn't necessarily a "typical" pregnancy. Gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and "older" by medical standards.  Oh...and the kicker...the doctors want to induce two weeks early.  Lovely....a doula's worst nightmare.  Pitocin.  Probably the most unnatural way to labour.

I got the call on Friday night. I was on my way to the movies...know I how how doctors feel! ha! It was an unofficial call of warning...they were being kept in the hospital for the night and the induction was going to begin sometime over night.  I was a bag of nerves, and flew back home to get all my stuff ready.  I'd been planning for a few weeks about what I need in my bag of goodies, both for myself and for the Mama.  I had extra hair elastics, snacks, a water bottle, a change of clothes, a few doula books for me.  The hardest part was figuring out what to take for Mama.  The books all say aromatherapy...kind of tricky in a scent-free hospitable so that was out.  It also says music...but what do I play it on?? Scrap that idea.  I found a few hand-held massagers (battery-free, ya dirty pervs), and grabbed some ice pack, and then threw in an eye mask for good measure.  I had no clue what else to take, so I just kinda rolled with what I had and waited for the official call that I was needed.

I forced myself to lay in bed, hoping I would get some sleep, but it was like I was waiting for a trip to Disney World, and every single noise jolted me wide awake!

7am.  Daddy calls me to say it's time. OMG...........what do I do now?!?! 

I got up, ate breakfast, grabbed a coffee and headed to the hospital.  I got there around 8am and sure enough, Mommy was hooked up to the Pitocin and contractions were starting.  9am-ish...the doctors come in, and check her out. 2cm.  Gonna be a long one.  Then all of a sudden, they decide to halt everything because of a previous surgery that they were worried about.  PAUSE.  Literally.  They stopped the Pitocin, and we waiting for them to put their heads together.  Hmm...maybe it would be best if Mommy had a C-section.   (OMG, seriously??  I can't count this towards certification if it's a section...and don't forget, this is all about ME!!!!)

11am...the doctors give their opinion, and Mommy opts for a natural birth.  (Waaahooo!! Let's get this show on the road!)

11:15....water is broke, and Pitocin is turned on again.  We walked, we talked, we laughed til she told us to stop cause it hurt. The contractions were slow and steady, but definitely getting stronger.  I held her hand, and wiped her forehead and really just tried my best to make it just a little bit better.  I was so nervous, I forgot half the stuff I knew or wanted to try.

By 2pm I could tell that she was really starting to hurt.  Her breathing was getting more shallow, she wasn't talking as much, and even Daddy quieted down.  It was when she flat-out demanded a c-section that I knew the labour was progressing!!  The call was made for a little something-something in her IV, an epidural wouldn't be an option unless she was further along (7-8cm).  The nurse checks her, and I'm silently thinking "Please be at least 6 or 7 cm....Please, please, please, or it's going to be a long one for her"........she's only 3cm.  This is why labour is torture....

She gets a dose of "whatever", and almost immediately doses off.  She's only 3cms so I'm hoping that the effect of the drug lasts for a while. She was even snoring just a wee bit, and when I looked over at Daddy he had nodded off too!  Perfect!  They had been up all night, so a rest was just what everyone needed for when labour really kicked in. 

2:20pm...she woke up, like her insides were on fire.  Sure sign labour has progressed....a lot more noise!  She was super vocal about how much stronger the contractions had gotten and the pain was really bad.  I got her to focus on her breathing, and just did my best to calm her down. At this point, the baby's heart rate went down....waaaay down.  I noticed out of the corner of my eye, the monitor went from 140 bpm, to 48bpm...and then 70, then 100, then back to 140.  Hmmm, that's not good.  A few minutes later, another contraction, and the same thing....dropped to 50.  The look in the nurse's eye was "uh oh", and she got me to hit the call button to page another nurse.  The second nurse came in and they decided to move her to her side.  Same thing...each contraction, the heart rate went way down, and then came right back up after the contraction was over.  We move her to her other side, still happening.  By this point, the monitor straps had fell off, so I was holding the external monitor on her stomach while the nurse put in the internal monitor, and the second nurse was paging the doctor.  Not exactly what I envisioned for my "first" time...

In the blink of an eye, there were two nurses, two doctors, a page for the NICU staff and a wailing Mommy who was really starting to feel the pain.

I felt the squeeze of her hand on mine, and all of sudden "the look" came over her face.  The I'm-going-to-have-a-gigantic-poop-look....it's the only way I can describe it.  She was pushing!!!  I told the doctor she was pushing, the doctor did a second exam (In less than an hour)....and sure enough, she was 10cms and crowning.

Quick!! Grab a leg...no time to tear the bed apart! 

The next few moments are what I can only describe as incredible.  Daddy was emotional and crying, Mommy was holding on to his hands, their faces were inches apart.  I could hear him whispering to her, not the exact words, but I could tell the love in that room was overwhelming.  Mommy was amazing and did what she needed to do. Three contractions and the baby was out.  It's a boy!  (Can you say proud Daddy??)

The cord had been wrapped around his neck, hence the low heart rate, so he was a little 'blue'....the NICU staff were right there, waiting to grab the baby, but within 2 seconds a huge wailing cry rang out and he was totally fine!!    They looked at the doctor and asked if there were still needed, and the doctor kind of looked shocked that they weren't.  She sent them on their merry way, and put the baby right on Mommy's chest, where he stayed for over an hour!  A doula couldn't have asked for more!

I'll never really know for sure if my presence made a difference. It's not like you can go back in time and repeat it, minus me.  I don't know if it would have been the same with or without me, or if the labour would have been longer or shorter.  I'm not sure if I helped avoid an epidural, or a c-section.  All those things are statistically proven to be aided when a doula is present but none of it I can take credit for.  Because what I saw, was a very strong woman, who made her way through those contractions like it was nobody's business. A woman who knew what she did and did not want, and stood firm to that.  A woman who kicked butt at birth!! 

So a huge, sincere, thank you to my friend, L, who thought highly enough of me to even mention my name, let alone recommend me to them. 

And to A & D...words cannot express what you've done for me.  You got me over the hump of my "first" labour, you gave me the a-ok to participate in such a private, emotional moment and you validated why I want to be a Doula.  It's been three days and I'm still over the moon.  A, D & Baby M will hold a special spot in my heart forever. 

Thank you.

Monday 19 March 2012


Check out my FB page!

I have a good job, with great benefits, and a select few awesome co-workers. You bitches know who you are, and yes that includes you Ron.
I love my new-found passion.....yoga. If I could move in with a teacher my life would be complete!
I have the bestest of friends who aren't afraid to be honest with me, and tell it like it is. For that, I will always be thankful.
I have healthy, happy, smart children, who often drive me nuts, but I wouldn't change them for the world.
I have a dysfunctional, but very lovable and fun mother. She made me "ME" and I love her for that.
My grandparents are my heart and soul.

For all of that I have gratitude.

My closest friends will know that my marriage isn't always perfect. Not even close.  We have had a few years, on and off, of pure torture.  My closest friends will also know that I'm not really one to air my super-dirty laundry either, especially in a public way. I'm not one to rush to change my FB status to "It's Complicated", even though it often is.  Right now, married life is not so easy, and while I contemplated keeping it all to myself, I decided it was best for me to just get it out.  Hubby probably won't be so happy, but meh, I'm not so happy right now either.

I will not go into to detail....frankly, it's not that juicy anyway, plus it ain't your business!!
All I want to really say, is life isn't always easy, it's not always cut-and-dry.  Not black and white, and definitely not simple. 

I can honestly say I don't know if I'll still be married by the summer, and it's pushing it to say we'll make it to Christmas.  If we don't make it, well...we'll be just another statistic...but I do not regret anything, nor do I feel that this has been a waste.  He's been my best friend since I was 15 years old, and that does not go away overnight. If I look back on this post in a year and things have changed, I will know that either way the right decision was made...for us...and for nobody else.

This is not a pity party, or a cry for attention. It's a reminder to myself that even though things aren't exactly ok right now...my heart is full of gratitude for the parts of my life that are.


Thursday 8 March 2012

Mass Calories

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A few months ago I made a decision to reduce my fast food intake. I won't say I gave it completely cause that would be a lie! Even though I know it's absolutely disgusting for you I just can't do it. Some days I order McDonald's and then get sick to my stomach and throw most of it out.  Other days, say every 28 days or so, I could eat the entire menu in one sitting.

I know it's wrong, I know it's gross, and I know it's doing nothing for my waist or jiggly thighs.

Still, I've drastically reduced my intake. I used to literally each fast food at least once a day, five or six times a week.  Now, it's maybe two or three times a week, and I've gone from super sized combos to maybe a cheeseburger and small fries. 

I've also been, rather inconsistently, drinking weight loss shakes, and, also inconsistently, been going to yoga. Because of that, I've dropped about 15-20 pounds in the last year, with probably ten pounds of that coming off since November.  So WHOOO HOO for me!  Reducing has helped for sure.

I'm the type of person who exercises once and wonders why I don't lose five pounds overnight.  Or, I'll eat a salad, go home and weigh myself and wonder why I still weigh the same as yesterday. I get frustrated easily....so I go eat a burger.  Screw it.

One good thing is that I don't easily gain weight.  I was always a small person, right thru to being pregnant with Grace.  Because of my love of food, and a good excuse to eat, I ended up gaining over 70lbs when I was pregnant with her.  I lost like 5lbs of that when she was born.  Not even the weight of her...how's that for fair?? I know she messed up my hormones, so technically it's really her fault I'm fat.

She's now almost 10, and I've never gone up past what I weighed when I was pregnant, but I've also never lost either (except for the recent weight).  I don't fluctuate much.  My problem is I can't figure out what my body needs to just friggin' lose some weight.  I know it's not easy, and I know it doesn't really happen over night.  I know I need to exercise more and eat less....blah, blah, blah.

I've been trying to pay more attention to what I'm eating, I've cut out most of my late night munching, like I said I've also cut out most of my fast food.  For example, yesterday I had a shake for breakfast, a veggie/fruit tray for lunch, and another shake for supper.  Pretty good right?!  Yes!

But here's the kicker....I'm pretty sure I've figured out what part of my problem is....

I drink coffee. Lots of coffee. I had this AHA moment last night, hmmm....I wonder how many calories/fat are in my large TRIPLE TRIPLE coffee???  OMG.......holy crap, WTF, sweet baby bunnies, there are 420 calories and 21 grams of fat per coffee!!!  EACH!  I drink a minimum of two to three of those a day!! And that's not including any of the Vitamin Water or Diet-Pepsi that I drink...

Ya think, just maybe, my thighs aren't shrinking cause of that?! I exceed my calorie intake for the day by noon just from what I drink. 

Yesterday, I had three coffee....that's 1260 calories.....uh, pretty much what someone on a diet would eat/drink in an entire day.  63 grams of fat....wouldn't that take me like 120 hrs of exercise to burn off??

So as I sip on my 2nd cup of the day, I'm thinking it's probably going to have to be the next on my list of things to give up.  Man, life is gonna be miserable for me for a while.....good thing there's no calories in macaroons.

Sunday 4 March 2012


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It's no secret that I am irrational when it comes to my fears. I've blogged about it before that I am scared out of my mind about the most random things. (http://pigeonposeemotions.blogspot.com/2011/06/dont-fear-reaperunless-you-are-me.html)

I freak out over a lot of stuff, and spend a lot of time obsessing about the "what if's" in life.  When the kids were small my biggest obsession was dying, and them being the ones to find me.  At the time, I was mostly alone as Todd spent a lot of time out west. I would lay in bed at night wondering if I died in my sleep how many hours/days would go by before anyone would realize.  Then panic would set in at the thought of them being in the house with dead-mommy until someone questioned where we were. There were nights were I literally lock myself in my bedroom so they wouldn't be able to find my dead body in the morning.

I don't know why.  I've had zero trauma in my life. I have no sane explanation.

It doesn't stop at me dying.  I freak out when I don't hear from Todd right away, and heaven forbid he's late...I obsessively call him, over and over, until he either answers or comes home.  The sane part of my brain knows he's either left his phone in the truck, or it's not charged.  But the insane part of my brain is convinced he's in a ditch, the truck has flipped, caught on fire, and nobody is around to see him.  I go right to the dark side. If he's late, then I frantically hit refresh on all the media sites for reports of a car accident.

If we are on a boat, especially with the kids, I panic the entire time, thinking about one of them falling overboard, and me having to jump in to get them, and then what if they sink, and I can't get to them....and then it just spirals out of control to them getting eating by sharks. (I know, it's IRRATIONAL).

Then there's the downright stupid...like having to put a bathing suit on.  Besides the "omg, I'm fat, pasty, white, stretch mark covered"....it goes beyond that, like some random kid at the pool is going to point and say something rude.  Or the skinny bitches are going to laugh at me while I walk by.  Worst case, I will run into someone I know. So I don't do it. 

I had a big AHA moment the other day. I was siting at work, daydreaming (shocker), and found myself thinking about what my grandmother's funeral will be like.  She's not dead, she's not dying, she's not even sick. And there I was, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, running through the entire funeral, start to finish.  I realized at that moment that I've spent the last 10 years or more stressing out about the death of my grandparents.  The what-ifs have been playing out in my head all this time for no good reason at all.  Sure, they've both had their run-ins with health issues, but all of my worrying started long before they even had issues.  I know it's irrational and can't seem to stop it.

Those are just a few bits of fears that I live with inside my head.  Not a day goes by where I don't think about the need for some serious medication. Most days I just laugh at myself but then last night, while having a conversation with a 14 year old, I thought to myself....wouldn't kill ya to see a doctor.

Jer's friend, A, was over at the house.  I said we should put a movie on and suggested Paranormal Activity 3.  (shut up...they've seen worse).  "A" freaked out, and was like "absolutely no way, I can't watch it, I have an anxiety disorder".  Huh?! He's here 5 days a week, how did I not know this??  So I ask him to tell me about it, and the next thing you know I'm googling it, and self-diagnosing myself.  Everything he said was so ME!!

He has fears of people getting cancer and dying, especially his family, and while obsess about it for hours at a time. He has OCD-like thoughts about death, dying, and the safety and well-being of others.  That's ME!

The symptoms are:

Emotional symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

  • Constant worries running through your head (YES)
  • Feeling like your anxiety is uncontrollable; there is nothing you can do to stop the worrying (YES)
  • Intrusive thoughts about things that make you anxious; you try to avoid thinking about them, but you can’t (YES)
  • An inability to tolerate uncertainty; you need to know what’s going to happen in the future (YES<YES!)
  • A pervasive feeling of apprehension or dread (Like a pit in my stomach)

Behavioral symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

  • Inability to relax, enjoy quiet time, or be by yourself (I'm ok here)
  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing on things (depends)
  • Putting things off because you feel overwhelmed (100%)
  • Avoiding situations that make you anxious (OMG, absolutely)

Physical symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

  • Feeling tense; having muscle tightness or body aches (Yep)
  • Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep because your mind won’t quit (Yep, sometimes for hours)
  • Feeling edgy, restless, or jumpy (Yep)
  • Stomach problems, nausea, diarrhea (Overwhelming feeling of needing to throw up)
So...as you can see, since Google says that's what I have, I must have GAD. In all seriousness, I know I have something wrong with my head (haha, whatever, say it, I don't care!!)

I hate social outings, I freak if I have to meet new people, I don't like being out of my comfort zone.  I have a hard time saying no, actually it's pretty impossible.  So instead of saying something, I will avoid that person for months on end.  And then stress out about the entire time. 

I'm trying to work on it, admitting you have a problem is the first step right?! I even dragged my ass to the pool with the kids last night.  I put on the bathing suit, and walked out of the changing room and right right into Grace's daycare teacher.  Lovely...now she knows exactly what I look like "naked".  But I kept calm, and carried on.  Halfway thru the swim, I thought about this whole thing, and forced myself to get out of the pool and walk the entire length.  Halfway thru the walk....I realized not a single person was staring, or pointing, or calling me names. I won't be strutting my stuff on a regular basis, but at least I can say I did it. 

I guess it's a work in progress...