Sunday 15 May 2011

Week 7 - Be Peace

I can't believe our LYM Challenge is almost over! It seems like just last week I was freaking out about having to eat vegetarian for a week!!

This week's challenge is to practice Savasana five days in a row for at least 20 mins each time.  For my non-yoga followers...Savasana is also known as Corpse pose...and is basically lying flat on your back, while you practice Pranayama breathing. Your mind should be clear of thoughts, yet you should be present in the pose. Sound easy? Yeah, try it...and see if you can do it without thinking about anything!  Quieting the mind is not something that comes naturally to me!

Here's a typical rundown of my thoughts before bed:

I'm so tired, I shouldn't have stayed up to watch Grey's Anatomy.  I wonder if I'll ever get to meet President Obama...wouldn't that be cool to meet him? I've "met" Bill Clinton twice, and he's so dreamy. I really wish he would take me out for dinner and dancing. Ooh, Dancing with the Stars, I have to remember to watch the recaps.   Shit, Grace wanted me to buy her a hat and I forgot.  I wonder what it's like for people with Alzheimer's, that's sad.  OMG, I hope my grandparents don't get Alzheimer's. What would I do? I guess they could live with me but I wonder if Todd would be ok with me taking leave from work to deal with that?  I have to remember to book my vacation for July. What am I going to do for Grace's birthday this year? She's going to be nine. Nine! I can't believe she'll be.....FRIG...I forgot to get gas. I hope I can make it to work in the morning. Maybe I should call in sick, no I can't call in sick, I have that meeting...Holy crap, I'm really going to miss Grey's Anatomy while it's off this summer. Summer TV sucks...I'm so tired. Did I lock the door? Hmm, what about the car? That dog better not wake me up tonight. What's that noise? 

And that's just the first five minutes... comes another yoga blessing in disguise....Savasana.  The deep breathing is so therapeutic and it's been working wonders for putting me to sleep.   I would say it was typically close to an hour before I fell asleep at night. Now...I can hardly remember even going up to bed.  Now it's more like....I can't wait for the finale of Survivor, I love Boston Rrrr....snooooorreee.

This has been working out so well for me that I actually fell asleep in yoga class last week.  I'm pretty sure you're not actually supposed to fall asleep. I think you're supposed to be 'at one with your mind and body' and that shouldn't really happen but it did for me! 

I do have a very legit defense though....

I typically go into the room 15-20mins early to relax and get used to the heat. Classes are usually very busy. There's constantly people coming and going. Even though it's supposed to be a "silent room" there's always something.  Someone sneezes, or coughs. Some people don't understand the concept of tip-toeing, and there's always someone opening or closing the door.  A few people must have cement mats or at least that's how it sounds when they THROW it to the ground.  So, generally there's not chance of really getting comfortable. You are just comfortable enough to practice the breathing but there's always a distraction.

That particular night though, it was very quiet. It was a 90 minute class and those aren't usually full.  I went in, my usual 15 mins early, and got all comfy in the hot room.  I vaguely remember a door opening, and maybe a mat or two being put on the ground. The next thing you know I feel someone shaking my foot. Huh?! What?!  I open my eyes and see Princess Estelle leaning over me and giggling.   I'm so confused and not even sure where I am? I know I love Estelle, but I can't seriously be dreaming about her?! What is going on?!  I realize I'm in yoga class and have that moment of panic.  What the hell just happened?! Was I asleep?? OMG, I snore!! Was I snoring?!?!?!

I spent the rest of the class kind of out of my element....I was so focused on what did or did not happen? For a while I thought maybe Estelle was just saying Hi, but then that seemed really weird and didn't make any sense so I quickly came back to the fact that I must have fallen asleep. The final Savasana was not so great that night...I was so paranoid I thought of nothing BUT whether or not I was really sleeping?!

Turns out yes, confirmed by Estelle.  I was indeed sleeping, and was indeed snoring. Though she says it wasn't that bad...I'm not sure I believe her?!  Anyone and everyone who knows me would say my snoring IS bad...think truck driver with a cold.

Either way, I was obviously relaxed so I am very pleased with this week's final challenge. Staying in Savasana won't be a problem this week. I just apologize up front to anyone near me in class!!


  1. OMG! Wendy, you crack me up!! I am so glad you got your sense of humor from me!!LOL Even though I hear these stories most times before you post them I still crack up. I KNOW the sound of your snoring, so that even makes it better. Hopefully they never get to experience the drool!! LOL

  2. Okay, not quite the "truck driver with a cold" kinda sound (I was in the class that night!)... I was very impressed (& slightly envious!) of your ability to fall asleep and be so relaxed. And it helped me drown out all the voices in my own head, so a sincere thank you. :)
