Tuesday 10 May 2011

W6D2 -- OMG, guess what I figured out!!

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So my mission for the week is...was....to figure out the 40 poses in Sanskrit. Yeah, guess what?! AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!  LOL 
I'm not giving up, I'm just shifting gears and moving in a new direction. 

You know when you are put on the spot and then you're brain freezes? Well, last night while I was trying to just put the English words to paper. I am nowhere near 40 poses and I'm so confused?!  Am I in the same class as everyone else?! Where are the FORTY poses?  I have 28...

Next step, I'm frustrated and annoyed that I can't figure out the other 12, so I moved on to the always trustworthy internet. If it's on the internet then it must be right, right?!  I decide I will start to look up the Sanskrit translations so I google "Pigeon pose Sanskrit"...uh...WTF is this:

This is nowhere near how I look when I do pigeon!!  (Just in case the obvious bulge in this picture didn't clue you in...that is not me in the picture!) Hit the back button...turns out this is "King Pigeon".  Well, excusez-moi!

OR...as it turns out if you dig a little deeper...perhaps this is Pigeon or King Pigeon or some kind of bird?!

All I know is that I've just spent 20 mins on the internet and I'm more confused than ever.  This is "MY" pose...this one should be easy LOL

Ok, I finally manage to find a decent looking site, with pictures that mostly look like the poses I do. So I begin...copy/paste into Excel...I will get this down by the end of the week.  No problem!   As time goes by, a few hours, I begin to piece it together.  There's Savasana..easy..Tadasana...sounds like magic!  And there's Ustrasana, Balasana, Anantasana....OMG, this is going to be so easy!  Plus, how cute is it that they all rhyme?  Every single one of them ends in "ASANA".  That's like a bonus in memorizing words...

Fast forward to tonight's class. I meet up with Stephanie before class and we do our usual chit chat.  I bring up the words, and how frustrated I was with all the interpretations...but I'm super stoked that I figured out that all of the poses end in "ASANA".

Well....I don't know if I've ever seen such a shocked/surprised look. My split second reaction was...WOW, I just taught Stephanie something about yoga!! Then I realized she was laughing so hard...and I wasn't laughing?!  Is she laughing AT me?!  Yes, she is. 

Turns out that "ASANA" means POSE!!!  As in...child's POSE, corpse POSE, pigeon POSE. Duh! No wonder they all end that way! OMG...embarrassing..YES!  Good thing Stephanie is used to this lack of yoga knowledge as I once commented on having no clue why Emilie always says "Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti...Peace, Peace, Peace"....for those who lack the knowledge as well...Shanti means PEACE!!  It's a chant, and like all chants, it's repeated three times.  So really, she's saying "Peace"...just three times in Sanskrit, and three in English. 

Thank goodness for Stephanie or I'd still be running around all proud of myself for making such "progress" LOL

Day one and two turned out to be an epic fail in the Sanskrit department...but I did rock "Wheel" or...URDHVA DHANURASANA on my own AGAIN for the 2nd time without help! 

Noun: A yoga posture


  1. BAHAHAHAHA! Oh my god Wendy, you are hilarious!! Tonight made my rainy week so much better! The fact that I could teach you something, also tells me that I'm retaining what I'm learning too!

    I love you girl! Keep up with your Excel sheet and you will surely be teaching me something by the end of the week!

  2. As per usual... you are HILARIOUS! xo
    p.s: just fyi 40 postures (or asana's-hihi!) is if you look over the 90 min class. And btw, am almost 95% certain that backbend is just 'backbend' and plank is just 'plank', if you come to class tonight i'd love to go over all of them with you gals! : ))
