Sunday 8 May 2011

Week 6 - I am so smart...SMRT.

Week 6 of the LYM Challenge --- Live to Learn!

This week I "have to" dedicate at least 1hr a day to reading, particularly about things that interest me. Easy! Done! Already do it!  I more than love to read. Give me a book and you might as well have given me gold.  I actually read so much that books start to blur and I'm not sure if I really read it, just read the back of it or maybe someone just told me about and now I'm really confused! 

I read cereal boxes, and manuals, and the back of shampoo bottles. It's not unusual for me to waste hours of my week just reading random stuff online. I love bios too, anything from Betty White to Bill Clinton, to George Bush Jr. (do not judge me!! I got the audio version hoping to hear his 'dumbness' but turns out they super-edited him...still a very good listen though).

My children are avid readers, and avid question askers!  So, my new best buddy has been Mr. Google. There's always a question that I can't answer..."Mom, what's the difference between federal and provincial elections".......uh GOOGLE IT!  "Mom, what language do they speak in South Africa"....uhhhhh....GOOGLE IT!! "Mom, when was WW2"...Geez, doesn't this child know by now...GOOGLE IT!!! When we are watching something of importance on TV I always keep the laptop by me and pretend I'm on FB just so I can google the questions they ask me and then I pretend I totally knew the answer...DUH!

Now, I'm not the dumbest cookie in the jar. I'll give myself credit where credit is due. I am pretty smart.  But I either know it or I don't. If it doesn't interest me forgetaboutit (did you say that in your head like an Italian?! If not, go back and do it please as that's how it's supposed to sound...DO IT!)  History, math, religion...forgetaboutit. I don't want to learn about space, or atoms, or why the sky is blue. Forgetaboutit...too boring!

But give me a celebrity trivia question and WATCH OUT!  Bam!  Movies, music, geography, random facts, useless knowledge, life skills, puzzles....I'm good to go. I can kick most asses at Wheel of Fortune and don't even mess with me at Jeopardy. Besides my secret crush on Alex Trebek (SQUEAL!), I'm just friggin good at the game. 

I like to learn new things and challenge myself at the oddest things. I will replay songs until I know all the lyrics. I put a puzzle together and then pull it apart and see if I can do it faster, or from left to right, of inside to outside. 

This week's challenge is going to turn into an obsession.  The supersize part of this challenge is to learn the pronunciation and meaning of the Sanskrit names for all the Moksha postures.  So I guess this means no more "ya know the one where your foot goes here and your arms do that" or "the sideways what-ja-ma-callit".  First of all, I have to figure out what poses they are talking about...isn't there like 40 or something in the regular series? Eagle, prayer twist, camel...OMG, I can only think of three?! REALLY?  I'm sure half-childpose-half-dying-on-the-mat isn't one...
Wait....PIGEON POSE!!  Ok, four.  Warrior 1, 2 and 3.  Dancer's pose, tree, and bridge....Phew, that's 10. Almost there. Ok, so by next Sunday...I will know all 40?!, I will be able to half-assed pronounce the Sanskrit version and I will sort of know what they mean! 

Now...which one of my yoga teachers is most susceptible to bribes?! 


  1. I'm going to go with Estelle ;) hee hee!

  2. I'm going to quiz you every day! LOL
