Saturday 7 May 2011

W5D6 - Dear John...uh, I mean Jeremy and Grace!

To My Children,

If I never buy you a toy again for the rest of your life, just know it's because I pulled 8 bags of CRAP out of our house today and have barely scratched the surface!!

The next time you ask me for a toy at Walmart, I will have to remind you of the bags and bags of stuff that we dropped off to the Salvation Army because "you didn't want it anymore". I will remind of you the toys that were broken, and the toys with missing pieces. You'll question why, "Why Mom, why can't I get the new _______?", and I will simple say, "Because, Sweetie, I don't make enough money to support your destructive lifestyle". 

I will make sure you have food on your plate, and a roof over your head, and I'll probably even let you pick out clothes from time to time....but me and you and our relationship with Walmart are OVER!!  That's right kids, we just broke up with Walmart!

Walmart is not good for you. Walmart makes you feel bad. Oh, sure, it makes you feel great for a brief moment in time...but then what?!  It takes  your money, it gives you crappy toys that never work right, and it doesn't care if it's you or Tim Bucktoo who shows up.

It's OK that you are sad, it will take time for your hearts to heal.  But eventually you will learn to start seeing other stores.  They may not be the same, they may treat you differently but I promise you it will be OK.

Because I love you, and hope for a happy future for you I will not make you break up with Chapters. Chapters is responsible, and makes you use your brain.  Chapters has always been a nice and stable figure in our lives.  Nothing like that sleazy Walmart. So for you, my loves, I will continue to let you see Chapters.

One day, when you are older, you will understand and you will forgive me.
For now, if you don't like it, you can go to your room and read your books!

Love Mom

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