Wednesday 25 May 2011

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

Did you know that if you line your yoga map up with the crack between the mirrors that you will look at least 50 lbs skinnier?!  I know it now!  Never in my life have I felt so skinny!  Helllloooo gorgeous!! Where the hell did you come from? 


The only's only half your body that gets skinny. My left side looked like Cindy Crawford, my right...Rosie O'Donnell.  Whatever, ya win some, ya lose some.

I spend half the class trying to position myself just right. It was a treat to see my former self.  The two-kids-ago body.  The one I'll never see again!!   And, no it's not a pity party...this is ACCEPTANCE!  My hips shifted during both pregnancies (if that's really possible I don't know?!) but they hip bones moved out at least two inches on each side. But that doesn't mean that I don't miss them from time to time. My awesome 16yr old hips.  I'd also take my 16 yr old boobs for a test drive or two also, especially now that I would actually appreciate them!

..........I interrupt this blog to say that I'm watching the last Oprah show as I try to type this, and tears are streaming down my face. Its like I just lost my black mother......and I'm pretty sure if Oprah was my mama she would have taught me how to use bleach!...........

OK, phew...wipe those tears away!! Like my hips, I must also accept that Oprah will not be a daily part of my life.  Sad.  Although the last few years of her show have sometimes been a little too preachy for me.  But I just love her 'aha' moments, lord knows she given me quite a few.

What?! Yeah, back to my skinny ass in the mirror.  Best part of my day!  Now I'm thinking I should go buy two wall mirrors from Walmart and put them side by side so I can experience it every morning before I get dressed. I could move from left side to right side, back and forth, and then do it all over again! But then I remembered that we broke up with Walmart.  Really though, I made the kids breakup with Walmart, I didn't really mean me... 

I definitely think I'll give up my fight for the corner in the back and make my permanent move to the crack! 

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