Thursday 2 June 2011

I'm a pilot...blah, blah, blah.

Ever see someone, hear them speak a sentence, and then immediately decide you hate them?? That was me yesterday...

I was on a course through work, Interpersonal Communications, and was scoping out the room. There's the joker, the shy one, the one who's going to complain about everything, and out of the corner of my eye I see her...the one I will hate. Yep. I just judged her based on her looks and I will gladly admit it! Blond, skinny jeans, perfectly hemmed. Hair in a slick ponytail, she's no more than a size 2.
Please at least let her be stupid! Please!

Our first part of class is to introduce ourselves. But the catch is we have to partner up and tell our partner everything and they have to introduce us to the group. To make matters worse we can't talk...paper and pens only.  Thank goodness I prejudged my fellow coworkers enough that I partnered up with the funny one.  We do our thing and proceed to go around the class introducing each other.  Well, we get to "her" and her partner starts...

This is "BITCH"...not really, but just go with it.   "BITCH" is married, and had a two year old.  "BITCH's" hobbies include shopping (uh huh..predictable!), she likes fashion (OMG!), and she looooves to model.  Seriously?  Get out my gloves...this girl DESERVES a solid punch in the face!  Ok, so we are using pens and paper...this girl actually had to write "I love to model".  Who says that!?  Models I guess....but seriously, as a pretty girl I know you never lead with "I like to be pretty" why in hell would you tell a class full of strangers that you love to model?? Two words...attention seeker.

Next, this poor partner of hers utters the dreaded words...."BITCH" is a pilot.  Frig off.  So much for my wishes that she's as dumb as a post....

It's a well-known perception that Airforce Pilots think they are AWESOME.  Big-shots. Mavericks a la Tom Cruise style. Except most are as attractive as Goose (which works for me cause I have a thing for Anthony Edwards!)  Anyway...they are typically egotistical douche bags.  Let's just say it applies to the girls too. 

She starts off by saying she really wants to learn how to deal with people who only want to talk about themselves.  She deals with all these pilots who are all "I, I, I, Me, Me, Me" and she never gets to talk about herself.  I serious...I can't make this stuff up.  She wants to learn how to deal with people who talk about themselves, so she can get a chance to talk about herself.....ironic?  Then the conversation moves to how gifted her child is, and how the daycare moved her up a group level before she was old enough, and it was the daycare's idea, not hers so thats why she knows her daughter is really talented. What next?! Is her husband a brain surgeon?  Does he rescue orphaned monkeys from India??  I couldn't listen anymore...for the rest of the day, any time she opened her mouth all I heard was BLAH. BLAH. BLAH.

A day later, and I'm still pretty sure that while it's not always the best move to judge a book by it's cover, sometimes the cover tells you everything you want to know.  Now, I'm not just talking about looks. That's more just cause I hate skinny blonds, but this is more the perception you give off.  I would have been quite content hating on her for just being pretty, but then she gave me the added ammo of being smart, being a model, AND a pilot. Sorry sweetie, you had no chance with me!!!  You can one or the other, but not all four!! 

1 comment:

  1. LOL Too funny!! I am sure we all judge people on their looks all the time. There is a guy at work with a big head and wanky eyes, and I find it really hard to look at him. I am either staring at the huge head...........or trying to figure out which eye do I talk I just avoid him all that being rude??
