Sunday 5 June 2011

Don't Fear The Reaper...unless you are me!

My list of irrational fears is long...not only do I fear these things but I also obsess over them which tends to make my phobias even worse.  It all became with good ol' Titanic. Damn you James Cameron!!  There began fear #1...dead bodies in the ocean.  Ahh!! I bet you thought it would be icebergs!! Nope. The bodies....

They have to go somewhere right?!  Remember the story of the feet that were washing up on the BC coast? I didn't sleep for a week.  Tsunamis keep me up for weeks.  My latest is wondering where Osama Bin Laden's body is going to wash up?  I know that's not how it works, but try telling me that at night time when I'm tossing and turning.

After dead bodies in the ocean comes crazy critters in the ocean...

SEE!!!????  This shit exists!!!  ***SHIVERS!***

After dead bodies, and creepy ocean critters come nuclear war.  I feel like this is a somewhat reasonable fear. I work for Dept. of National Defence and am constantly freaking out over the littlest of things I hear. Probably not the best place for me to work...though Fisheries and Oceans might be worse?!

There was an email that got sent out a few weeks ago about a nuclear emergency taking place in NS.  I FREAKED!!  Heart palpitations, sweating, my brain went to the worst case scenario. I was sure I would never see my kids again and was trying to figure out who I should call to go pick them up.  Of course, all of this happened in maybe 20-30 seconds....until I read "EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE" in HUGE letters!  Well these arseholes should know that people might not see that this is just a test and maybe they'd panic a little!?  If ever I needed some medication, that would have been a good day to start!

So we have dead bloating bodies, scary sea monsters, and nuclear war. Those are probably the top three.  But like I said, I torture myself by obsessing over it. So I will watch Animal Planet and obsess over shark week, or watch Planet Earth and squeal and gag through most of the ocean series.  I surf the Internet and watch YouTube videos of boats sinking, and I know I've watched hours of footage of tsunamis, earthquakes,
hurricanes, volcanoes. Yes, I freak out about volcanoes too...cause you just never know when one will erupt in NS! 

I hate going on boats, bridges freak me out, I rarely will even put a finger in a lake or the ocean. Forget about actually swimming in one because it will never freaking happen again. 
BUT...I've made a very conscious effort to not impose those fears on my children.  They jump off boats in the middle of the ocean with their grandparents, they will try most anything crazy, they will touch anything that moves. Grace had snails for pets last year (UGH!), and Jeremy is always bringing snakes home.  I may not participate in the activities but I always allow and encourage them.

So snakes....that is one of my very logical fears. They bite!  They are venomous. They are disgusting.  I know we don't have vipers or rattlesnakes around here but even so they are horrific to me!  Plus you always hear crazy stories of people with snakes for pets ditching them in parks when they get too big.   I've also been known to watch between my legs when peeing if I'm in a shady bathroom. (That's where the snakes always come from in movies!!).  Oh, and stupid me watched Snakes on a Plane and I had nightmares about it for days.

I took the kids to a reptile show once and nearly lost my mind.  I, trying to put on a good show for the kids, agreed to 'pet' one.  Really, I was planning on touching the friggin thing and then internally screaming for the rest of the day. Note to self...plans don't always work out.  I will demonstrate:

Step 1: Wendy decides to touch the snake.  Such a good mommy...
Step 2: Wendy loses her cool....

Step 3:  Snake decided to whip it's head around and VOMIT....

Step 4: Wendy is DONE with the mother f#cking snake!!  (Samual L. Jackson voice)

But still...bestest mom ever, takes them AGAIN to a reptile show the following year. While I refused this time to touch ANYTHING, I encouraged them to do it. Really no encouraging needed, my weirdos have no fear.

Spiders too!

******SHUDDER******  How the hell are they OK with that?!?! 

Thanks to the kids cousin we also have a permanently available pet to go say hi to.
Don't even get me started on this one!!
Do you see the snake trying to strangle my son's arm??????????