Thursday 30 June 2011

Two Turtles

It's our 10 year anniversary today!!!  For anyone who's known us that is a HUGE accomplishment!!
I was pretty sure I'd be divorced by the time I was 30, and that's in November, so I really think I'm running out of time...*kidding...sort of?!*

It's funny that as the years go by we sort of get better and wine (or so they say, cause I still can't find one I like!).  I love him more and more as I see my previously-very-immature husband grow into a real man. He loves me more and more with each beer he drinks (funny how that works?!)

He calls when he's going to be late, he announces his plans well in advance versus the 2 minutes of notice I used to get.  He asks if I want help with laundry....he ASKS!!!!!!  Holy crap!
He's on kid-duty in the morning. He cares about what the yard looks like, where two years ago we might as well have bought some goats to take care of it. 

Maybe this should be more of a "Todd's getting more mature" post...but let me get back to the reasons I love him!  (it's ok, groan...I would)

It's awesome to watch him get teary-eyed when he pretends not to be. I love that, even though he'd never admit it, he loves babies as much as I do.  He's stubborn as molasses, always has to be right, hates not having the last word....he's so much like me how can I not love him!?

I was 19 when we got married. He was 26 (and yes, do the math, he's obviously a pervert too!).  I'm not even sure how we decided to get married. There was no fancy proposal, or romantic evening to celebrate.  I think it sort of went like "...hmm, we are living together, and already have a kid...should we get married?!", and that was from me.  I vaguely remember the warmth of him peeing himself right there on the spot...
Somehow, he agreed to it and the next thing you know we were picking out rings together. 
Being the responsible people that we are, we used part of my student loan to buy a ring and pay for a good chunk of the wedding.  Next thing I knew, I was running with it. We (I) made our own invitations, flower bouquets, decorations, party favors, and programs.  I went, by myself, to try on wedding dresses....I hate to shop.  I flipped through the dresses on the rack, grabbed one I like that my size and BAM...I had my wedding dress. It didn't even need to be altered.  I guess that's what happens when you are a size 5 *sigh*.

I was so absolutely, beyond terrified that day.  I was partly excited, part nervous, part unsure, part ready to throw up.  I remember getting to the alter and then my nerves kicked in and the rest of the ceremony is a big blur.  Do you Wendy, take Todd...blah, blah, blah. I don't even know what I vowed to do?  Am I supposed to love and honor? Or cherish and obey?! If it's the latter, then the vows have definitely been broken!!  One of these days I'm going to make him resay our vows...I'm sure he'll LOVE that!!! :-0

Our ceremony left little to the imagination....huge rainstorm, complete with lighting/thunder and a power outage.  We can candles in the bathroom so people could see while they peed and someone threw their paper towel on the flame...resulting in a "small" bathroom fire. OOPS!  Two drunk uncles, one fell and broke his nose.  I had a stranger from the attached bar come up to me and ask me who I was! Our friends jumped into the lake, we had fireworks (despite the rain, they actually went off), no speeches, or dance (no power remember!).  Let's just say for the first 9.99 years I was NOT ok with it. 
But as Oprah would say (my lord, I miss that woman).....forgiveness is letting go of the fact that the past can be changed.  I spent lots of years feeling ripped off, one of few big moments in my life and it was "ruined"...but as I look back now I really wouldn't change a thing.  Because of the power/no dance, our friends circled us and sang our wedding song while everyone held candles.  Can't say that happens at every wedding!! I've been to plenty of weddings and I can remember few details, but I've had plenty of people say "oh my god, your wedding was awesome".  More for them, than for me at the time but I get it!  How often do you jump in a lake at wedding and walk around dripping wet in your suit?

The night ended great with a carriage ride through downtown, and lets just say that the hotel room was a rockin', so nobody came knockin'...;-)

We've been together for thirteen years.  I still remember our first kisses, and the stupid lines he pulled to make me fall in love. There's a turtle story that every teenage boy should know because it really works. And while I'm SURE I wasn't the only girl who got that cheesy line, I'm sure I'm the last one that heard it from him and that's all that matters...

                                 "Let me tell you a story about two turtles who live on an island
(puts his hands inside my open palms)
One day there was an earthquake and the island split apart
(pull the hands apart)
The turtles decided to climb up the mountain of the islands to see each other
(starts climbing hands up my arms, and looks into my eyes)
Why are we still talking about turtles?"

Cheese-balls!!!!!!  But it worked...
Still luvs ya babe!

(Don't we both look a little TERRIFIED!)

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