Tuesday 28 June 2011

Only the Beginning!

My son graduates today....from Grade 6.  It's not the "BIG ONE" but it's enough to make me realize life is flying by way to fast!!  Maybe I shouldn't have wished all those Mondays away...

He's almost as tall as me, size 7 (mens!) shoes, he's getting pimples, his voice is getting deeper, he hates me at least once a day and I can hardly do anything right anymore....I think he's turning into a teenager!!

I count my blessing though, cause he'll still kiss me goodnight, and give me a hug (when I ask!). He's helpful, he's funny, he's pretty awesome to hang out with still.  He stinks sometimes, which I could do without, but hey at least he'll still sit on the same couch as me right!

Junior High is scary, there's a lot of firsts that are about to happen....and I can't stop them!! So far he plays like he hates the ladies *ALOT*....no use for them at all. However, a gaggle of girls showed up at the house the other day looking for him and he could hardly keep the smirk off his face when he told me he "didn't want to talk to them".  I'm not dumb by the way. I shooed them away but like stray cats they lingered.... (Someone's parents really need to explain that lingering around for boys is STUPID!!)

Mother of the Year award here....I let my kids watch "Intervention" as a deterrent to drugs.  I guess I'll never really know if it works or not, but I have put the fear in them. I talk to them about the gross scabs the meth-heads have on their faces/bodys.  We talk about what chemicals are used when they make the drugs.  Our neighbour grows pot (with a license) but we talk about how dumb he is from smoking it so much, and how gross his house stinks. I think I've covered my tracks on the drug scene....at least I hope so?!  It also helps that my crazy-ass neighbour is a raging alcoholic and the kids see how stupid she is too.

He is so very smart, and has such an interest in learning that I see him being ok.  He's not in the nerd group, not in the uber-popular group, he's sort of in the middle...just where I want him.  His friends are (mostly) normal, and they are all reasonably well behaved.  I've made an "in" with his best friend and he'll tell me pretty much anything I want to know about Jeremy.  Like I know he doesn't have a girlfriend, but he sort of likes Savannah.  He plays soccer at lunch , and doesn't hang out by the stairs like the rest of them.
Just stuff I can keep my eye on.

He's growing up, I have no choice but to let my baby go!  And since Todd is refusing to reverse his vasectomy I guess I won't be having another baby (with him anyway! ;-))  I will only be able to rely on my friends who are popping out babies.  There's the good ol' perk with that one though....I get to give those babies BACK when the cry!

Next will be driving, and prom, and the BIG graduation....then marriage to the worst-daughter-in-law-EVER (my luck, I just know it!), and then grandbabies....geez... I need a drink.

To the best son a mom could ask for...I wish you nothing but the best and I know you'll achieve whatever you set your mind too!! (So long as it's not a pro-wrestler!!)

Mommy!***ROLLS EYES*** Fine then, just call me Mom....

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