Tuesday 14 June 2011

Always & Never

Sounds like a love song! But it's not!  Actually it is....by Coheed and Cambria, but I only know that cause I just googled it out of curiosity.  But that's not why I picked it!

A super serious AHA moment on a communications course I just took. This is the first aha moment I've had since Oprah left.  Why'd she have to go?  I miss her so much! I seriously miss her, and think about her way more than normal.  I'm sure time will heal my broken heart but I really do miss her...

Where was I? Oh yeah...AHA moment #156.

During my course, one of the ladies (we'll call her Carol) discussed a fight that she'd gotten into with her husband fifteen years ago. Carol couldn't remember what the fight was about, she just remembered her husband saying to her "always and never".  What do mean?, she asked.  He said "simple...always and never, that's what you say". Still confused, she asked him to explain it.  He started..."you NEVER take out the trash", "You ALWAYS come home late"....whatever it was, the point was that in fights, and in life we take things to the extreme.  It's likely not always, and it's likely not never...

I practically squealed in the middle of class.  OMG, I ALWAYS do that!!  Seriously.
I'm not even sure how many times I've yelled at Todd for always working late.  Or never taking out the garbage without me having to remind him a hundred times.  I even do it with my son because he never listens and always has a crappy attitude.

I've made a conscious effort to not "Always and Never" anyone.  It's only been a little while since my course but its really stuck in my head.  Now, I 'm sure my husband would agree that I'm not ALWAYS a bitch!! ;-)
Right Todd?!?  RIGHT!!!!!! 

I've even trying to make an attempt with Jeremy (excluding the last post!).  Because he's not always rude, it's more like he's rude certain parts of the day.

Actually, I can also honestly give yoga some credit  for my less-bitch-ness.  (alot of credit!)
Have I mentioned I love yoga?!

I'm really glad I had that opportunity with Carol. It was a big moment for me.  Now I will always remember to never say never....unless I'm singing a Justin Bieber song...

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