Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day is not the most celebrated in my family.  I don't ever really recall a special Valentine's Day growing up.  Same goes for my teenage years.  Some people (AKA my mother) say I have all the good memories blocked from my memory, but the only memory I have about Valentine's Day is vague...I think I was like 13 or 14, and I'm pretty sure a boy gave me a flower?  But it also could have been a random Friday night, and I may have just been drunk.

I often forget that Todd and I have been together since I was barely able to drive so it's not like there really should be that many pre-Todd memories anyway. 

All I know is I despise doing Valentine's Day cards and I'm sure that dates back to some random year where my mother forces me to make them or something. I always forget about them until it's the night before, maybe two or three days if I'm lucky. I have two kids, grade 7 and 4...so if you add it all up that's 13 YEARS worth of misery.  Now, I know those who know me well are laughing at my math skills but AHA...that's counting Primary too!! So there!

Thirteen years worth of begging the kids to just write their friggin names on the stupid card and hand them out as if they like the kids they go to school with.  Long gone are the days of just giving them to your FRIENDS....nnoooooo, now everything is 'fair' and 'even' so bring for all or bring for none. 

This year I was smart.  I made Valentine's on the computer, complete with "From Grace", printed them off on business cards, ripped them apart, slammed them in a bag....and voila!!  Here you go, Grace...pass these out with a smile!!  Bam!  Done!

Jer is too cool for V-day cards so that stress is over.  Now to just wait out the few more years til Little Miss Sunshine gets to Junior High.

So it's 8pm, on Valentine's Day night....I'm alone, sick as a dog. Grace is sick. Jeremy is in the basement, and Todd is helping a friend move.  I'm not shocked, I'm not mad, I'm not jealous of the bitches that got flowers or jewelry.  Really, I'm not...(bitches).

Just like most other holidays, we don't go wild.  He DID send flowers to my work one year, and I'm pretty sure there's been a few years where he did get me something...OOOhhh...one year he got me a ring I think.  Although that might have been for my birthday?! All I remember was we were in Moncton...or Fredericton?  I don't know. 

So to my husband, here in your Valentine's Day present...

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Come home at a decent time...
And maybe we'll screw.

Can't spell "class" without Wendy...oh wait?!.......

Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends, family, and even the skinny bitches in the world!!! Luvs you all...


  1. Oh Wendy, you are def going to put me in labour with that poem. LOL Happy Valentine's Day:)Sam

  2. Gawd I was a horrible mommy ; - (
