Monday 5 September 2011

Babies, Babies Everywhere!

Guess who's pregnant!!!!!

..................................................................oh hellz no!! NOT ME!!! You crazy??!

Just about everyone else I know is, or at least that's the way it seems lately. Must be something in the water (or the vodka for the "oopsie" pregnancies!)

In the last year my neighbor, my friend, my sister-in-law, my cousin-in-law, and even my yoga teacher have been pregnant, still are pregnant (sympathy pains for you!), or have just had a baby.  Even my mother-in-law just had babies...four of them...cute little puppies!!  (BAHH!!!! Todd would DIE if Lilly ever had another baby!!) 

It's like when you buy a new car and then that's the ONLY car you seem to see everywhere! 

I loved being pregnant (mostly) was so amazing to feel the baby squirm around, and try to figure out what body parts where sticking out of me.  I loved almost every moment...then I see my friend who was on the verge of stabbing someone's eyes out and I remember all the crappy parts!!  Can't sleep, can't get comfy, too hot, too cold, heartburn, sore, tired, bitchy....and that was just Todd!!

For Grace, I was prego right into July and was ready to rip the face off of anyone who uttered the words...."It's OK".   Really!?!?  NO IT'S NOT!!!  I always feel so bad when I see pregnant people in the summer. Especially ones about to explode.  It definitely pays off to be very freshly pregnant in the summer, instead of like a beached whale like me.  Beached whale may not be the right word for me....what's bigger than a whale?!  Beached school bus?  Frig....I stopped counting at 75 pounds of weight gain with Grace.  And boy was I pissed when she didn't come out weighing 74 lbs....
Is nine years too long to still be using "baby weight" as an excuse??

I just wish I knew then what I know now....or had then what they have now.

Leighann has a breast pump that makes the one I used seem like a torture device. Her's is electric, and has a nice flow (don't ask how I know this)....mine was manual and it looked like I was trying to break the world record for most abused nipples.  It HURT!!  That stupid thing was horrible...

There were no cool clothes for boys when I had Jeremy, he lived in sleepers until he was one.  I didn't have the option to "click" the car seat in place and go.  I sound like those Facebook emails that go around...."If you played outside, and your parents never knew where you were, and didn't have a tv, or stereo or anything cool...blah blah blah"....  Yeah, yeah...I didn't have it THAT bad!!  Just now I look at stuff and go "ahh man...".  Why didn't they have that stuff when I wanted it?! 

At least I still get to use the cool stuff...AND I get to give the baby back when I've had my fix!!  No more sleep deprived nights for me! 

I was thinking about this the other the time I'm fourty-five, in theory, I should have no kids left in the house.  It's college/university or OUT OF MY HOUSE!!

What a thing that will be.  I went from being a kid, to having a kid, to raising two kids...and a husband, whom I might add turned out quite well, and now life is sort of just getting back to the way it was before I got pregnant.  I can sleep in on weekends (they feed themselves!!), I can come and go as I please (thank you built-in babysitter Jeremy!!), I can watch what I want when I want (Xbox....we once we enemies, but I'm starting to like you!). 

And when I miss my baby-stages...I know just where to find them!!

They even make great tables for an afternoon snack!! (That's another thing I miss...)


  1. LOL Wendy................You really need to put these blogs in to a book!!!!! Kinda like the Marley and Me guy!!! I know I am bias, because I am your mother, but they are fantastic, and I am sure a lot of people could insert their lives right in to them!!!! I would like a cut of the royalties though!! After all, I am mentioned in a few of them!!

  2. The pic with the toast on the 'baby table' is a hoot!!!
