Thursday 8 March 2012

Mass Calories

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A few months ago I made a decision to reduce my fast food intake. I won't say I gave it completely cause that would be a lie! Even though I know it's absolutely disgusting for you I just can't do it. Some days I order McDonald's and then get sick to my stomach and throw most of it out.  Other days, say every 28 days or so, I could eat the entire menu in one sitting.

I know it's wrong, I know it's gross, and I know it's doing nothing for my waist or jiggly thighs.

Still, I've drastically reduced my intake. I used to literally each fast food at least once a day, five or six times a week.  Now, it's maybe two or three times a week, and I've gone from super sized combos to maybe a cheeseburger and small fries. 

I've also been, rather inconsistently, drinking weight loss shakes, and, also inconsistently, been going to yoga. Because of that, I've dropped about 15-20 pounds in the last year, with probably ten pounds of that coming off since November.  So WHOOO HOO for me!  Reducing has helped for sure.

I'm the type of person who exercises once and wonders why I don't lose five pounds overnight.  Or, I'll eat a salad, go home and weigh myself and wonder why I still weigh the same as yesterday. I get frustrated I go eat a burger.  Screw it.

One good thing is that I don't easily gain weight.  I was always a small person, right thru to being pregnant with Grace.  Because of my love of food, and a good excuse to eat, I ended up gaining over 70lbs when I was pregnant with her.  I lost like 5lbs of that when she was born.  Not even the weight of's that for fair?? I know she messed up my hormones, so technically it's really her fault I'm fat.

She's now almost 10, and I've never gone up past what I weighed when I was pregnant, but I've also never lost either (except for the recent weight).  I don't fluctuate much.  My problem is I can't figure out what my body needs to just friggin' lose some weight.  I know it's not easy, and I know it doesn't really happen over night.  I know I need to exercise more and eat less....blah, blah, blah.

I've been trying to pay more attention to what I'm eating, I've cut out most of my late night munching, like I said I've also cut out most of my fast food.  For example, yesterday I had a shake for breakfast, a veggie/fruit tray for lunch, and another shake for supper.  Pretty good right?!  Yes!

But here's the kicker....I'm pretty sure I've figured out what part of my problem is....

I drink coffee. Lots of coffee. I had this AHA moment last night, hmmm....I wonder how many calories/fat are in my large TRIPLE TRIPLE coffee???  OMG.......holy crap, WTF, sweet baby bunnies, there are 420 calories and 21 grams of fat per coffee!!!  EACH!  I drink a minimum of two to three of those a day!! And that's not including any of the Vitamin Water or Diet-Pepsi that I drink...

Ya think, just maybe, my thighs aren't shrinking cause of that?! I exceed my calorie intake for the day by noon just from what I drink. 

Yesterday, I had three coffee....that's 1260 calories.....uh, pretty much what someone on a diet would eat/drink in an entire day.  63 grams of fat....wouldn't that take me like 120 hrs of exercise to burn off??

So as I sip on my 2nd cup of the day, I'm thinking it's probably going to have to be the next on my list of things to give up.  Man, life is gonna be miserable for me for a while.....good thing there's no calories in macaroons.


  1. WOWW!!!!! Who knew??? I take triple cream no sugar, but holy crap!!! I tried to do the milk in my coffee, but I like the taste of cream too much. Geeez now I think I may have to rethink that!!

  2. Try having tea instead. David's Tea has a LOT of amazing tea's that don't require anything being added to taste awesome. Another thing to remember is that your body doesn't crave calories, it craves nutrients. Eat foods that are low in calories and high in nutrients and that could drastically cut down cravings and the pounds. Vegetables of all colours are great for you but try focusing on green vegetables (kale, broccoli, spinach, arugula, etc) and easy sources of nutrients such as seeds, nuts and good fats. "Good fats" don't get stored in your body as fat, they are used instead as energy.
