Sunday 22 April 2012

Seven Pillars for Seven Weeks! Round Two...

Just over one week to go before the 2nd Annual Living Your Moksha Challenge!!

For those who have followed along with me since the beginning of this blog, you'll know that this challenge is the reason I started my blog in the first place.  Seven pillars, seven weeks, seven challenges....

The challenges are going to be:

Be Healthy, May 1 - 7 Challenge: No processed foods / toxins in the home
Supersize: 1 week of daily practice

Week one will be a challenge for sure...while I try my best to provide healthy foods for the kids, it doesn't always happen.  I've turned to the "if it's not in the house, they can't eat it" rule, and for the longest time I've been the mean mom who rarely buys snack foods for lunches, and I even gave up buying juice for the most part.  It's like Christmas when I buy OJ, and forget about it if I bring home juice boxes...CHAOS!  They drink a lot of water.  We are a whole-wheat home, much to the distaste of my family who often beg for white bread or pasta.  So I's not like we are eating tofu every night, but we also aren't eating KFC either. We are in between.  But I can't get them off of salami or bologna for lunch meats. If those aren't in the house they won't eat sandwiches, with the exception of flakes of ham (is that any better?!).  I guess that means margarine will be out too? Mayo?  Cereal? Is cereal ok?? See...I'm right back to last year, wondering what I should be banning from the house? 

The chemicals...easy.  I converted all my cleaning/health products to Melaleuca products about 6 months ago and haven't looked back since. The most chemically thing I use is toilet cleaner as I still had a 12 year supply from Costco....damn you Costco.

One week of daily yoga.....will depend on the price of gas. 
 Be Accessible, May 8-14 Challenge: Learn about and practice Active Listening to Be Accessible to friends and family Supersize: Read up on non-violent communication

Active listening....pfft...whatever.  Did you say something???
Live Green, May 15 - 21 Challenge: Green your plate - 7 days of vegetarian/vegan delicious eating

Supersize: Zero garbage

We did a version of this last year, but only one meal a day.  I often went multiple meals as vegetarian anyway, so no biggie. Seven whole days....yikes?!  That's going to be interesting as my kids hated me that week from all the new meals I attempted to make.  LOL  Bring on the TOFU and BEANS!

WHAT?! ZERO GARBAGE?!? Who does that? Are there seriously people out there with NO garbage? is that even done? I need help with that one...No excess waste, and no plastic bags, compost/recycle as much as possible...and I'd still have 4 bags! LOL
Sangha Support, May 22 - 28 Challenge: Random Acts of Kindness week

Supersize: Bring a friend to yoga class and dedicate and dedicate your practice each day to someone you've never met in class.

I am ALWAYS amazingly nice...I'll just be mean this week to balance it all out.

Bring a friend to yoga....who's in?!
Reach Out, May 29 - June 4 Challenge: Write one letter a day of gratitude with suggestions for change to a business you LOVE.

Supersize: Volunteer for 1 hour this week

Does government count as a "business"?   Cause I appreciate them yet could change a few things...
Volunteering....who needs a doula for an hour?? Just kidding...I'll stay for four or five at least :-)
Challenge: read every day for 30 minutes, on Saturday and Sunday - 2 hours
Supersize: Go for a walk every day this week for an hour, with an undetermined destination

Oh, I can't wait for this week!!  I love to read anyway, so it's just an excuse to go to Chapters.  I am already hoping it's a nice weekend so I can hide in woods somewhere and be by myself to enjoy my books. 

Walking...well, I prefer to drive everywhere, but I will use this as bonding time for the family and drag them all along too!
Be Peace, June 12 - 18 Challenge: 1 hour of silence daily!

Supersize: 7 day challenge, with 20-30 mins of Savasana each day you practice 

OMG!!! SQUUUEEALLL!!!!!!!!! An excuse for it to be quiet in my house!! SHUT UP!!  I cannot will be bliss, it will be glorious, it will be amazing. 

Savasana is my favourite part of class!  I will have to pass out earplugs though, there's no way I can lay there that long without falling asleep.  Fifteen minutes this afternoon and I caught myself starting to snore a few times. 

I'm am beyond excited to start this challenge amps up my yoga practices, gives me something extra to focus on  and last year I even lost weight doing it.  BONUS!

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