Monday 9 April 2012

A Year Later...

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It's been over one year of blogging for me!  Most days I can't believe I actually stuck with it!?  It's not like I'm the best at sticking to my goals. 

Some days I go back and re-read my blog from the start, it's really become a journal for me, and even though I write them all, there are still days I read it and go "Oh yeah, I remember that!"

In one year, I have found a love for yoga, my husband came back from working away, we went on a dream vacation to NYC, I've lost weight, I started eating 'sort of' better, I changed jobs, my parents officially d.i.v.o.r.c.e.d., my son started junior high, and he went from a little boy to a young man over night.

All in one year. Oh...and my decision to become a certified doula!!!! 

My cousin just started her new yoga journey, and is going to blog about it too! (

Seeing her new-found yoga excitement is making me a little jealous!  I've fallen back into the "life takes over" trap and I haven't been going as much as I want to.  I force myself to go at least 5 or 6 times a month to cover the cost of my membership, but as each day goes by that I say "I'll go tomorrow" I get so upset with myself.  I'm too tired, the house is too messy, I ate supper too late, I didn't shave my legs, whatever the excuse of the day is. I feel guilty going too many nights because I don't get to see the kids. But those excuses have got to go!! This is something I love, so I have to make it a priority for ME!

I signed up for the 2nd annual Living Your Moksha challenge thru my yoga studio. This is the same challenge that completely transformed my life last year and the same one that made me start this blog. 

The challenge begins again on May 1st. Less than a month to get myself back in the Yogi-state-of-mind.  A while back, I started trying to get to yoga right after work, before I pick up my daughter, it works out perfectly and I still have the nights free.  The transit strike ruined that, as then I had to pick up my son from school everyday after work.  So I quickly fell out of that routine.  But starting tomorrow, ok maybe definitely tomorrow, I'm packing my stuff in the morning, and taking it with me in the car. No excuses!! 4pm yoga class, at least 3 or 4 days a week.  And then my Saturday class with my all-time fav Estelle.

So that's my goal for the rest of the month...get back in yoga-shape, and be ready for the Living Your Moksha challenge!

Yoga really teaches me a lot about myself.  I don't know the exact rules on this, but I'm pretty sure you have to have an AHA moment at least once a class or they kick you out. It's marvellous for the soul. I even see it in my writing.  I love, love, love to write out my thoughts and feelings, but if it's been a few days between yoga classes then it doesn't come easy. Typically, on nights I go to yoga, I also blog.  I guess it's the quiet time in Savasana that lets my brain steam-roll thru ideas.  I also don't know the exact rules on that?!?  I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to be jumping around from idea to idea, it's supposed to be more zen than that, but at least you can fake your's not like the teachers really know how focused or unfocused you are while laying flat on your back....well unless you're snoring, that can be a dead giveaway. Falling asleep doesn't usually happen to me, it's got to be one of those days for that to happen. I just recently learned that it's not really a good thing to fall are supposed to be relaxed yet aware. Oops.

See?...a year later, and still learning!

This past year has been full of ups and downs, good and bad, happy and sad.  So much has happened, and I can't wait to see what the rest of this year brings!  I look forward to keeping up with my cousin's journey, as well as all my other yoga-lover friends.  I find it super inspiring!  Here's to our future yoga experiences!  Cheers!

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