Wednesday 2 January 2013

Out and About

So I'm a few months into my thirties (14 months is a few) and I've realized something…I quite enjoy it!
Something's happened to me in the last few months, I've come outside my shell a bit and actually started going out with friends! WOOT!

Some of you would know that I'm a big-time introvert when it comes to social activities.  I'm all fun and games at work or at home, but put me in a social setting and I lose my bananas. Especially with people I don't know or with those I'm not truly comfortable with.  I much prefer the comfort of my own home. I am often quite content to just sit in silence and be with my thoughts (sometimes naughty, sometimes not). I always used the kids as my excuse.  Can't find a babysitter. It's too late. They have friends over. Yada-yada.  And as much as there was truth to that, I really just did not WANT to go anywhere.  I'm not a big drinker *though I have found my love for wine FINALLY*, so I never really liked late nights out. Plus who wants to be the sober one in a room full of drunks? I'm much more comfortable in jeans and flip flops than a dress. I really, really, REALLY, would prefer to stay home. I don't really like fashion so girly-talk frustrates me. I have two pairs of high heels and I hate them both.  I don't like to dress up or do my hair. I would rather spend that time and energy on reading a book or watching TV. I hate making plans in advance because I never really know what mood I will be in. And, ok…my anxiety also plays a part in not wanting to go out but that's a whole other story…and blog. 

But lately, I don't even know what's happening…I'm actually enjoying social nights out with friends. Maybe it's the friends or maybe it's me growing up…or maybe it's just cause I love a good excuse to eat food. I don't know, but I've been venturing out so much that I've almost forgotten about TV and the internet. I used to be obsessed with Perez Hilton and People and X17 but now I couldn't even tell you if Justin and Selena are still together or not.  I do know that Kimye is pregnant, but that's only cause it was a slow day at work. Did you know Jessica Simpson is pregnant too?! 

(My laptop is also broken, which is a big part but I'm so over it that I don't even really care if we replace it.  Unless you have a free laptop to give me, then yes, I definitely want one. Oh, and that's also the reason for the lack of Iphone just doesn't cut it for typing…so if you want more blogs start a fundraiser to get me a computer!!)

I have a DVR that's usually full of shows for me to watch, and at one point I think I had like 40+ shows set up to record consistently. Now, between hanging out with my girlfriends, and spending more time watching shows that are actually interesting I don't even really watch much TV either. We are thinking about dropping cable and just using other means to download what we want to watch.  I really can go without CSI, Law & Order, and all those sitcoms that are predictable anyway. Maybe I'll even give up Glee too.  Nah…wait…OMG…I could never give up Glee.  Well, I could give it up as long as I googled what songs they sang so I could download those too?

We are also thinking about cutting the house phone, but that's more to keep bill collectors away.

I read somewhere that if you want more time in your life to just watch less TV.  I ended up doing that without even trying.  I'm not saying I'll be out everything night, I just plan on saying YES when I want to and NO when I don't…simple as that. 

Say hello to my facebook page: Pigeon Pose Emotions

1 comment:

  1. wine drinker over here too...why have we not gone out for wine and food?!?!
