Wednesday 16 November 2011

Just Breathe!

Last night's yoga class was a challenge for me.  First off, it's day 15 of the 30 day challenge and I made it to a whopping 5 classes!  Yay me!!  That's like 35%?  40%?.....Never mind, percentages are dumb.  Anyway, 5 classes.  Woot.  I was away for four days so I'm cutting myself some slack.  I knew from the get-go that the 30 classes wouldn't be attainable for me anyway as life just gets in the way.  I'm cool with five...actually, I did yoga with the kids tonight so technically it's six.  So yeah, I'm cool with six.

Then, here we go actual, real-life yoga teacher right beside ME!!  I talked myself out of the "I'm super-uber-duper jealous" mindset, and decided I would embrace it. After all, the last time I was in a class with a yoga teacher I was actually more inspired than jealous.  I've come to learn it's ridiculous to be jealous of the yoga teachers.  That's what they are, of course they are going to be "better" than me...they live it, breath it, eat it.  Meanwhile I woof down a pack of timbits and wonder why I have a jiggly stomach. I also wonder why I do 10 sit ups and don't have a six-pack yet...maybe I should concentrate harder on the sit ups and less on the sweets!?

I suppose it's all part of the process but not a class goes by where I don't figure a little something out.  Whether it's lifting my knee caps, or figuring out how to do a flat back better (btw, pretend like you are gently placing your boobs on the floor...lead with your boobs!! Thanks Erica!).  I've learned that balancing your hips while in "Pigeon Pose" gives a much better stretch.  I learn all sorts of little tips, which is fantastic.  The problem is I try to use them all at the same time and then disaster strikes...

I'm in Eagle....ok, elbows out, chest proud, straight back....squat, squeeze, soft gaze....square off my hips, lift the right side, keep your core strong, don't fall over.....why am I shaking so much!?  Oh yeah....breath Wendy....BREATHE!!!

Warrior Two....lunge, square the hips, strong arms, soft gaze....lunge more, don't let the knee droop, don't lose the lunge!!, my chest is pounding....oh yeah BREATHE!!!!!!!

See my problem...I concentrate on one thing, or five...and forget the most important parts!  Next thing you know I'm out of breath, trying not to die on the floor in front of all the skinny bitches, wondering if my heart is about to explode.

Between keeping my flat back, squared hips, and my clench-less ass....I'm mentally drained before I even get to the pose!

Last night Taylor had us focus on breathing...I love those classes where they actually remind and cue you to breathe.  Makes that hour so much better for me!  I love when we all breathe together, and it's just so energizing.  Now, if I can just get them to teach a class where they give me every single cue....

Wendy...let your butt cheeks go, Wendy...suck your stomach in, Wendy...lift your knee caps, Wendy..........OMG BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Who ever this Erica person is... tell her I will use her 'lead with your boobs' analogy... brilliant! ; ) I am addicted to your blog ( aka insights!!). As long as you are breathing you're doing yoga (who cares about the rest!!). This quote crossed my eyes today, wanted to share it with you: Breathe and all will be revealed, love and all will be healed. This is yoga. -Seane Corn
