Monday 28 November 2011

Happy Anniversary!!

Today I celebrate my 365th day of being a yogi!
Though I haven't practised every single day, it's definitely been a life changing year for me.  The practise of yoga has taught me patience, it's given me a greater understanding of the meaning of life, it's made me a kinder, more spiritual person, and oh, did I mention more patient?!  Cause that part is HUGE!!

It's sort of like it was meant to be. Me & Yoga. Yoga & Me.  I am a hot-head. I flip out, I scream, I yell, I throw duck if I'm ever really mad!  But in comes yoga, and it's like I don't have the (negative) energy to go through that crap any more.  I still fight, and yell, but I don't really remember the last time I threw something, and the yelling is almost none existent.  Just ask the hubby, in the latest round of fights they were calm, more talking, less screaming.  Now, if I can just work on not spewing out harsh words like a volcano I will have progressed to Master Yogi!! ;-)  Even though I'm not much of a yeller anymore, there's still the whole sticks-n-stones aspect to me.  I can chuck out some mean things when I feel back into a corner.

If it wasn't for yoga, I never would have started this blog.  It was supposed to be to track the Living Your Moksha challenge, and turned out to be a great place for me to vent and share my feelings.  Knowing that I write about stuff that other people can relate too is a blessing, it gives me the warm and it's a bonus knowing it's not just my mom reading it. (Yeah yeah mom...)

The breathing practises have even helped me sleep better.  I've spoken of this before, but what used to be an hour to get to sleep is now, literally, a few deep breaths.

I even noticed over the summer that even my reading preferences have changed.  I used to be obsessed with James the point that all the books starting blending together and I couldn't remember if I'd read the book or not.  I was blowing thru at least one book a week, sometimes more.  I had this moment of "why am I wasting my time?" disrespect to James Patterson (as if he reads this anyway!)....but they are all the same. The method they die, and the location changes, but other than that it's always...murder victim, family drama, love interest, twist in the plot, murder solved, the end.  A friend recommended "My Secret Daughter", so I figured I'd give it a go, spread my wings a little.  Well I was hooked! So heartbreaking, and heartwarming all at the same time. After I was done I picked up another James Patterson book, but it just wasn't the same.  I only managed 10 or so pages and gave up. I need more soul, more substance, more AH-HA!!  I've moved on from JP, and haven't looked back....

I've fallen in love with plenty of yoga teachers. Some have guided me through my own feelings, others have pushed me to actually complete the ab exercises, but they've all touched me in some way.  Whether it's because they leave me sobbing on the floor because I just had an Ah-Ha moment or because my thighs are burning so badly....they've grown to be like a second family.   My yoga sisters and brothers.

I've made yoga friends, most I don't even really know, I couldn't even tell you some of their names, but there's always a friendly face, and we can talk the yoga-talk without the crazy eye rolls of our non-yoga friends.

Plus, once you've been all sweaty with people it's hard not to feel a bond!

So here's to another year of sweating, and tears, and laughs. Thanks for changing my life Moksha Yoga Dartmouth!!

"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny."
- Upanishads


  1. Congratulations!

    My reading endeavors are all over the place right now but I do recommend this book: Balancing Acts by Zoe Fishman. It's a yoga fiction book :)

  2. Awesome Wendy!!! Mommy is so proud ; - )
    Reading your blogs have helped me too. I am still annoying, but in a more loving way! LOL
    My life is changiny too, so we are both on the track of a better and happier life! Love you, Mommy!!
