Sunday 30 June 2013

Status Update

Today is my 12th wedding anniversary.

Today is bittersweet.

It's weird and awkward maneuvering through a relatively happy divorce. It's weird cause we are stuck in a friendly-divorcing-couple zone, and awkward because we are talking about things that real friends would talk about. There should be a rule book for FDC's (friendly divorcing couples). Like, for example, talking about the fact you are dating is ok.  Talking about private...uh...private matters should probably be left off the table. Lines are blurred and crossed with us on a weekly basis. Just when you think you are cool to hear about these things one wrong thing is said and it's tears and hissy fits.  Then I have to calm him down and hand him a's gets off track so easily. ;)

So obviously, yes, we've both started dating again. Awesomesauce. There's no weirdos out there at all. Gah!! I've never dated in my life. Teenage dating was not dating...

I haven't met any serial killers yet, well at least I haven't ended up in a trunk yet. I've been on a few disaster dates and I'm quickly realizing that my anxiety of confrontation is going to have to move aside. Turns out I'm the queen of not responding and hoping they just don't contact me again. I have to learn how to say PISS OFF WEIRDO. Or ya know...thanks but no thanks.

I'm learning to deal with being a single lady. It's not like I'm worried to do the work or chip a nail, but there are definitely a lot of things that having a guy around for would make easier....lawn mowing, garbage hauling, bug killing just to name a few. But bright side...I'm working on my arm strength every single time I push that damn mower up the hill.

Life is good. I'm working on my wino hobby, and I've actually found a few good ones. Right now I'm sipping on Jost Blush, it will definitely be drank again! I'm, mostly, back on track with going to house really threw me off AGAIN.

New house is mostly in place. I'm done with the little projects for a while cause they always end up a disaster.  Like the tiny I bubble in the gyproc I tried to fix that turned out to be multiple layers of wallpaper that I had to scrap. I'm comfortable with it as it stands so I'm taking the summer off from the stress!

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