Saturday 4 January 2014

New Year New ME 2014

Holy bananas batman...I have been horribly neglectful of this blog. It's such a mental drain on me sometimes that I just push it to the back burner and wish to the blog gods that it just writes itself. So far not luck. I find it very therapeutic to write, y'all know I have no filter so this is sort of a diary for me. But the last nine months or so of my life have been a complete roller coaster and very time consuming to say the least.

1. Divorce...well not quite, separated but it's only that dumb piece of paper we are waiting for. (procrastinating on because I am broke and can't afford it)

2. Dating life...uhhhhhhh....boys suck. Have you surfed a dating website lately? It's all wang shots and cheesy one-liners. First of all, it's not that big, wangs aren't cute, nobody wants to see them, and taking the picture at ridiculously weird angles does not make me want it more. Boys...DO NOT SEND WANG SHOTS. You just look like an idiot when you do. Plus we show everyone and then laugh about it.

3. I have a teenage boy...enough said.

4. I also have a preteen girl...shoot me now. Seriously. Just put me out of my misery. Please.

5. Mental stress...antidepressants required. No joke. Not my ideal fix, but will blog more on that later.

6. Yoga...non-existent...partial due to mental stress (oxymoron I know), partially due to the fact that I can't afford the gas to drive my arse to the studio. (see #7)

7. Money woes...nobody told me getting a divorce, moving out on my own, buying a crappy fixer-upper house, replacing all my stuff and paying all the bills would be so hard. It all looked good on paper. It's not. I am BROKE. Not like "Oh, I have my credit card to fall back on" broke...but "Cards are maxed, I don't make enough money, I need to re-adjust my spending habits quickly before my lights get shut off" broke. I barely live paycheck to paycheck, and I've had my fair share of skipped meals in the last few months. (see #8)

8. Lifestyle change...due to previously mentioned money woes a lot of things have changed or are in the process of being changed. Cable is gone, new clothes are gone, Christmas was slashed in half, I'm learning to say NO, and learning to stick to it. It has not been easy, it's been quick frustrating to have to constantly explain myself to the people who don't like to hear NO. It's not that I don't want to go to dinner with you or go shopping with you, it's that I just cannot afford it. So stop asking. Please. Unless you want to pay, then I'm always up for a free coffee. My besties know the real deal, and now you do to. It's been a hard process. I've slipped and tripped all over myself. I overspend and then feel like crap about it. I understand what I need to do, but that doesn't mean I'm good at it. Me and budgets don't work well together. I'm forgetful, I rush, I have an impulsive devil resting on my shoulder. I'm doing my best but need the patience and understanding from my friends that it's not going to be easy. Don't ask me to do ANYTHING!!! Cause I'm living in a hole from now til I dig myself out. If I go out and do something, believe me, something else is suffering because of it...or I'm not the one footing the bill.

9. It's definitely not all gloom and the mix of all of this BS, I somehow managed to stumble upon a mythical creature that I did not believe existed. A NICE, FUNNY, AMAZING GUY!!! I really thought they were like unicorns or mermaids. Imagine my surprise when he actually accepted and encouraged my mild (moderate?) craziness. He is fun, he is funny, he loves me, he loves my kids. He is smart, just the right amount of stubborn (most of the time), puts me in my place when I need it, and can calm me down with just a few words and a hug. I have no anxiety when he is around. My heart aches when we have to spend a night apart so I am very thankful that those nights are far and few in between. He is the most caring, quirky, lovable man I've ever met. I love him, I love his kids, I adore his family, and I look forward to living my life with him by my side. It's been six short months, but it feels like a lifetime. He has changed my life for the better in a way that I never thought could happen to me. This stuff only happens in the movies that I cry at or in some dumb romance novel that I gag my way through. Except it actually happened to ME! And believe me, we've seen the best and worst of each other, I'm not living with rose colored glasses on. We have, to the core, experienced each others bests and worsts. Through all of this he still keeps showing up at my house each night, so I think he's a keeper! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. wow you had a difficult year!! I truly hope that things look up for 2014.
    also, i'm going to be writing a post on home yoga (mostly because that's all i do, which is because i can't afford yoga class prices).
